Sunday, April 30, 2006

... matching hair colour? :-) Posted by Picasa

Evan and Tee Cee (Thunderousclassics) Posted by Picasa

"..... now dad.... let me just tell you this special secret....." Posted by Picasa

" mum loves me, even though Iam accident prone, she gives me all these cuddles and stuff......" Posted by Picasa

Do you think that we might get some rain today? (Keep your fingers crossed!) Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Another unhappy camper getting a wash.... Hamish Posted by Picasa

Clean Dogs trying still not being able to smile for the camera... the best Bessie could do was to hold her tennis ball in her mouth! Millie was so disgusted by the whole exercise that she walked off after her roll. Posted by Picasa

Not a happy Bessie Merle either.... we had to prise her tail out from between her legs as she was so unimpressed by this exercise! Posted by Picasa

Matilda, loves to swim and chase the hose... but when it comes to baths.... another not happy dog! Posted by Picasa

Millie .. with Evan having her bath.... NOT HAPPY JAN! Posted by Picasa

Millie ..... finding a nice piece of dirt to roll in after her bath..... LOL Posted by Picasa

Lancey, after his wash..... gotta love the brown dog. Posted by Picasa

It's Like I Never

had a week off!

It seems that winter certainly is on the way with the mornings very cool and the evenings proving to be real heater weather. Most of the residents have started to grow their ready made evening jackets, however, we will be assisting some of them with nice warm rugs for overnight. Even the frogs have decided that its too cool to be out hanging on the window sill waiting for the insects! While we havent had a frost yet, it will not be a long way off.

One of the great things about living out here away from the city is being able to watch nature in all her glory. A few property's down the road from Massie Lodge is a line of trees that seems to be home to what it seems thousands of white corellas. Every morning at around 6.45am - 7.00am, the corella's make their way from the tree's to the dams for their morning drink. First stop is Leo's dam next door - which becomes a massive white carpet with all the corellas. In what seems to be specific groups and order, the birds leave Leo's dam and fly very close to the ground to go down to our back dam. The first wave of birds weave their way over our fences and make their way from Leo's dam. Then a few minutes later, the second wave and so on and so on.... with the whole process taking about 15minutes in total. Its an absolutely spectacular sight to behold and the noise the birds make is unbelievable!

Would you want to be anywhere else?

Today being a public holiday sees a relatively quiet day here at Massie Lodge with some time to give the Massie Lodge canine's (pictured above, not happy at all! Look at the look on Millie's face!) some attention. After rolling in horse pooh (a favourite pastime of the Massie Lodge dogs!) and swimming in the dam, it was high time to give them all a bath and a flea treatment before winter sets in. And as you will see from the photos, they are very happy to be having this done to them.


In fact Millie was so happy about the whole matter that as soon as she was washed off, she found herself some dirt to roll in, in an effort to try and regain some of that beautiful odour from the horse pooh.

Lucky Hamish (Sir Weather Vain) pulled the short straw and got himself a wash as he was caked in mud from the bit of rain (yes we had 14mls!) last week. Hamish was not at all impressed and neither was Evan for that matter.

Both Hamish and Bob (Centenn) will be going back into work in the next few weeks. Which is probably a good thing as they have both had enough rest and need something to keep their minds occupied!

Time to go and feed the 4-hoofed ones.

Lest we Forget.


Sunday, April 23, 2006

Has it Really Been A Week?

since I last went to work? I cant get over how quickly time flies when you are busy doing the things that you love doing. Well, its all over and done with, with me due back tomorrow .

This weekend has just flown by at a rate of knots - yesterday we had unexpected guests who came out to look at Tee Cee (Thunderousclassics) and Max (the Dantibes weanling) and liked everything so much that they wanted the grand cooks tour. Which was fine as we like to show off the residents!

Saturday also saw Oscar, (Tannerong Baluk) former Massie Lodge resident, have his first start at Ballina over 1200m and he won first up!

Congratulations to Oscar and all his owners, Iam sure that you will have some good fun with him over his first preparation.

It was most remiss of me yesterday not to complete the
Stallion Road Test. (Hang your head in shame Helen!). However, today sees another great Queensland Boy road tested and after doing all the research, I was most impressed with his statistics. How many stallions do you know have 9 year olds out there winning? How many stallions do you know have progeny winning from 800m to 5550m? Go and have a look - Iam sure that if you dont know much about this fella, then you will be compelled to seek more information. Yes, another unfashionable boy, but he is yet another of Queensland's Quiet Achievers and a Stallion who you should consider if you want to have some fun racing - be it in town or around the country tracks.

Today (Sunday) has been another full day with Evan and I cleaning out the feed shed (well, it actually didnt start that way as we were looking for the axe to cut firewood! But as you know, one thing always leads to another and the way the feed shed was it definitely needed a clean!).
We also had a visit from one of Joey's owners - Anthony Burke and family who came to see their girl before she goes back into work with Paul Nipperess. It was nice to be able to show Anthony some of the horses who we speak about in the blog (putting hairy faces to names as it were!).

Well, no rest for the wicked it seems. I have 2 horses to put up on the Gallopers website and then I will cook Evan and my visiting brother, Neil some dinner.

Until next time, (support local Queensland Stallions!)


Friday, April 21, 2006

Naturally her first thought was when she awoke, "where's my hay?" Posted by Picasa

All done, now waiting for Sunny to wake up from her slumber. Posted by Picasa

Slipper cast on, a bandage was to be applied to protect the cast. Posted by Picasa

To put a slipper cast on Sunny's foot, a fair bit of padding was required. Posted by Picasa

Although not looking good, its 100% better. Posted by Picasa

Not a pretty sight. Posted by Picasa

Chris preparing Sunny's foot  Posted by Picasa

Leg bandaged and all clean. Now to wait for him to wake up! Posted by Picasa

Evan giving Chris a helping hand to bandage the wound. Posted by Picasa

Looking much cleaner and will mend well Posted by Picasa

The prepared area Posted by Picasa

Chris preparing TeeCee's leg for scraping of the granulated skin. This boy would not go down and it took quite a while for him to go to sleep! Posted by Picasa

"She's fine Evan." Posted by Picasa