Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Christmas Everyone!

Well here it is, and I’m sure that you have all been waiting with baited breath for this newsy-Christmas greeting to arrive!  We both hope that you haven’t been sitting by the post box waiting for your paper version with illegible writing to arrive because I’m afraid, that once again, time has gotten away and it’s just too darn late to post it!!

So this is about as good as it gets! 


Go get yourself a cuppa, a piece of Christmas Cake and sit back and enjoy!!  The gentleman up above of course is Pikey, dressed up as a Christmas elf… what can I say??   I had planned to get some photos of Evan and myself and the canines, equines… but, you guessed it – time has beaten me and you will have to wait and read the blog site after Christmas where I plan to put up some photos of us, the dogs, the horses etc etc.

Like everyone it seems, 2011 has been a very challenging year for us.  Evan had a life changing experience with June of this year by suffering a heart attack – not a serious one –  I mean he managed to get out of bed and feed the horses, cut wood, sort out the water to the horses before going to hospital …  but it certainly made us both stop and look at our lives to find out what was important and what we can do without.  It also showed the strengths of our many friendships and the love of the people around us – a simply amazing experience for both of us and one we will never forget.


2011 was a year of finding my voice when it came to the travesty of Coal Seam Gas Mining in the Darling Downs of Queensland – Australia’s Food Bowl – mind you its not restricted to Queensland in any shape or form.  As a result, The Black Cockatoo Blog (and FB page)  was born  to communicate information to the people. It keeps me very busy …  as well as working locally as an Office Manager, looking after Crazy Horse Marketing clients and the Massie Lodge residents: leisure time is often sitting on the lounge with my trusted laptop … working!!    It was also a year of finding my passion for photography…finding the beauty in our surrounds and trying to capture it through the camera. Adding fuel to the fire was some success in a couple of shows…so that has also fuelled my love of picture taking.  I have come to the conclusion that if I could make a living out of taking photographs, I would be in heaven!

Evan continues to run Gallopers which has evolved from a bloodstock site into something completely different – a one stop website with all the racing information that you would ever need to follow the races. Gallopers also has an ever growing popular presence on FB. Evan’s knowledge of horse racing is outstanding and the “Gallopers Good Thing” is running at 50% winning strike-rate  this month.


Evan continues to represent successful senior Jockey - Damien Robinson (based in South Australia) and Victorian Apprentice, Chris Pace – who is currently out of action injured.   Evan still gets up in the middle of the night to watch his beloved Liverpool FC – you know, there are something things that will never change!!

So, there you have it in a nutshell… we’re both hoping that 2012 will be a year of new endeavours and a year  of following our passions and hopefully making a living out of the things we love to do.  There will still be dogs and thoroughbreds – hopefully Jimmy is on his way to a comeback after injury and a very long spell and Harry will go out into the racing world and show us the potential that we think he might have. Remembering that there are never ever any givens when it comes to Thoroughbreds – that is one lesson that we both learnt very quickly when we moved to Massie Lodge.

Bessie Merle (minus Christmas getup!)

So, from Evan and I, we wish you all a very happy and family-filled Christmas Day and may 2012 be the year that realises all your dreams and wishes!

Friday, December 16, 2011

It Really Is Getting Close To Christmas…

Today in the mail we received our first Christmas family newsletter today… and I think for the first time in many years I didn’t baulk, raise my eyebrows, or think how totally ‘over-the-top’ it was. I think I actually welcomed the news.

My mother was one of six siblings, she was the only girl and there is no doubt in my mind that she was the black sheep of the family, not because she took my father’s surname nor by the outlandish things that she did, but more by her very strong sense of character and will that made her stand up to her father – who was very strict – but not unlike many of the men of that time.

She passed away in 1998 after a very long battle with a rare form of cancer – but I do truly believe it was on her terms to go when the time came and not the disease – but that was her, a woman truly in control of her life, and her death, and strong in every sense of the word.

I remember vividly having a conversation with her during her illness at the beginning of 1998 - the conversation that no-one wants to have with a loved one who is terminally sick – oh, how we both cried together and hugged each other!! It was the conversation where I told her that it was ok for her to leave.

My mother being the person that she was kept going until her body decided to give up – due to a tumour in her groin that had opened up and had become necrotic, her groin artery burst. My first thought on remembering that memory today was the amount and the bright colour of the blood that had spilled out. The ambulance arriving and then being told in the hospital that I would have to learn how to clamp the artery in case it happened again. While I stayed at the hospital until she was stable, she then sent me home to “clean up” while unbeknownst to me, she organised her departure and I believe it was totally on her terms.

A month or so after her funeral when I was clearing out her room, I remember coming across one of her journals and while at first I felt abit awkward to read her private thoughts, it gave me a huge insight into her when she was a young girl. I wasn’t really that surprised at what I read; her brothers had joked many times about her strong will and assertiveness and to see her words come to life in her large looping handwriting made me understand just who she was, her dreams and what she wanted to do with her life.

Years later I met Evan and my life began.

My uncle once said to me, “You are the spit of your mother” - at the time I didn’t realise the significance of those words… but now I know it’s her strength, will and dogged determination that make me who Iam today.

I caught up with my mother’s extended family finally this year – at the funeral of one my Uncles - and it made me feel so awkward in the realisation that I hadn’t seen these people in years and that it took an “occasion” – albeit a sad one - to be together again.

I still miss my mum and more so at this time of the year - I guess you never really get over losing a parent especially when they are such a strong influence in your young life, but it takes a family occasion like Christmas to bring the memories to the surface again.

Christmas for us this year will be quiet – but that’s ok. We will bring out the Christmas Tree, hang the wreath on the front door and adorn the living room with tinsel. Every year I toy with the idea of Christmas Cards…but usually lack of time dictates and it usually ends up being an e- newsy letter – like the one I received today, figuring that it will mean more than a store bought Christmas Card.

My brother Neil will come up to Massie Lodge and will spend time with Evan and I, the Massie Lodge canines and equines. We will exchange a few presents, eat some good food and drink some good wine – and with all the hype and commercialism that normally surrounds this time of the year, when it comes down to it, to me, this is what the true meaning of Christmas is.

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Life and Times of Massie Lodge

Friday, its taken all week to get here. Im sitting here on the lounge with my laptop on my lap … Ruby (pictured above in her 2011 Christmas photo) is next to me on the right… Matilda on the left. Pikey is on the other lounge nestled in between 2 pillows and snoring… and Bess is just on the other side of the lounge on her bed… making funny wee squeaking noises. Evan is at his computer updating Gallopers… which is really a fulltime job.

I have spent the better part of a couple of hours updating The Black Cockatoo (which has become enormously popular as a News Blog) – it’s inbox generally has about 20-30 emails and news alerts waiting for me every morning – I guess that just shows just how much news is around about Coal Seam Gas mining.

I do have an update to do on Damien’s blog – A Jockey’s Journey – but I will wait to do that. Instead I indulge myself and take a walk amongst the thousands and thousands of blogs which are on the Blogger network. Wow, some of the blogs are outstanding and make mine look, rather plain (lol).

My very good friend was involved in a car accident the other day – they were turning right into their property and there were one or two cars behind them: one of the cars behind them with some young men in it decided to overtake and ended up clipping the front car which had my friend in it. To cut a long story short - they were allegedly speeding – and ended up totalling their car into an electricity pole with the result of a multiple cost of human life.

How fickle is the thread of human life? One minute your alive and busy living it – and then the next minute, through a bad decision or an indecision - you’re not?

Definitely a life changing event. I know that my friend is closely looking at the aspects that make up her life and re-evaluating the parts that make up her every day.

I know it made me stop and think about my life and if anything made me be cranky at myself for my ongoing procrastination on doing the things - and being with the people - that really matter. To help me along I have made a list of the things that I want to do – and it doesn’t matter if Im no good at it. (lol).

LOL – Sorry guys Im not brave enough yet to show the list to anyone, however, Im sure that at some stage I will.

Its been awhile since I have updated the Equine Residents at Massie Lodge:

One of the little yearling colts, Rocky has come up lame today and we’re now waiting for the Eric to come and look at him. Boys will be boys and young colts do play hard. Herman continues to be cute however both boys are now trying it on a little bit but that’s normal for colts.  They still come up to me when I go into their paddock and want some affection... but if you keep your hand there just a little too long...there could be a nip!
My beautiful mare, Epiphany (Pip) continues to love her life down the big back paddock with Mazwell. Every day she goes for a swim in the dam and rolls in the mud – it’s one of the special things that I love to watch. She keeps telling me that she wants to get back into twittering (Diary of a Broodmare) as she has a lot to say. Scary! Her two kids, Harry and Pix live next door and they are both looking a treat. I keep telling Harry not to get too attached to paddock life as he still has a racing career ahead of him… Full sister Pix seems to have gotten over her broken neck and is looking fantastic. She just adores Harry… Funny I see Pip hang over their fence and talk to them and all body language indicates that it's with love ..

The two grey boys, Buck Rogers and Northie are a funny pair. Buck Rogers is a big gentle grey giant and Northie – black – and as cheeky as – continues to try and be “the naughty one” except when it comes to getting a scratch behind the ear.. this is the one thing that he loves and will actually stand quiet while you do it. Buck Rogers’ wound continues to heal nicely with the aid of Flint’s Oil.

The 3 ladies down the back, Southern, Nottie and Daisy have the run of 3 big paddocks with 2 dams that provide swimming pleasure for all 3 of them. Both grey ladies have water marks up their bellies...

Jimmy (aka Private James) continues to spell up North and the question mark still remains if he will ever race again.

Iam looking forward to this weekend – my big brother Neil is up for the weekend and it will be great to share some time, eat some good food and drink some good wine with him. We’re both die-hard movie addicts so Im sure we will be watching some dvds or going to the movies over the weekend. I know that Evan will be busy as Damien is riding on Saturday at Morphettville and at Clare on Sunday – so he will be glued to Sky.  There is the thought of Roast Lamb tonight ... baked dinner.. always a favourite in the Robinson household!

So all is well at Massie Lodge. Ruby has flipped over and is now on her back with her feet up in the air demanding a stomach rub.. and who am I to deny her??

Thursday, November 17, 2011

To Read or Not To Read?

I had a very interesting question asked to me the other day by a good friend….and for the life of me I couldn’t answer the question.

Why do I read?

And my first response was, “I don’t know, I just enjoy it”.

The next question that was asked of me was, “Are you into E Books?”  To which I responded without a second thought, “Noooooo!!!!”.

I guess there are many reasons why people sit down with a book .  Some people sit down with self-help in mind, hoping to get the right answers about their life so that they find a direction and don’t make any silly mistakes.  Some people may read books to get inspired or they read books about other people doing things that they wish that they could do. Some people read books to beam themselves off into another universe and far away from reality.

I know that Evan rarely reads – he has a book that he takes with him to pass the time of day when he is travelling by plane.  He is still reading this same book: it went to Adelaide in February, to hospital in June and back again to Adelaide in August.  It is currently sitting in his carry on luggage waiting for the next trip.  Ask him and he'll tell you that the reason he hasnt finished the book is because it's crap...

But why do I read?  The chance to disappear into a novel with flamboyant and outrageous characters into exotic locations doing something other than office work is one of my most favourite things to do – not that there is anything wrong with office work (lol) and this has been the same since I was a little girl.  I have spent many, many hours held up on the lounge, or on the back step, or sitting on the side of the large dam way down the back paddock  spellbound by the latest instalment of The Camel Club (David Baldacci), or the latest Kay Scarpetta (Patricia Cornwell) instalment .   I can even be found on the front veranda surrounded by the Massie Lodge canines with the latest Dianne Blacklock novel.  I just love it.

Every night before I go to bed I get out my latest book and try and read a few paragraphs before my eyes close and refuse to re-open until morning.  More often than not my eyes close while I am still trying to read the same sentence for the 3rd time and  wake up with the light on and the book still open and hour later.  Am I hopeless or what?  But its part of the magic of reading a paperback book!

And what of Book Shops?  I cant tell you how many hours I have spent in my life just browsing through book shops - not always to buy - but just to get up close and personal with all the books, be they new or used.  It would have to be one of my most  favourite things to do.  There is something very cold and calculated about dialling into the World Wide Web to find a book to buy - don't you think?

So why the negativity of E Books? As with buying a book online,  its hardly the same ambience sitting down the back paddock under a big umbrella  staring at an IPad screen scrolling through an electronic book.   I spend too much time as it is staring at my laptop screen when I am working – why should I have to  then do the same to read my beloved books?

To me, there is something very romantic about holding  a book of 900 dog-eared  pages,with the smell of prime paper in your hand with the anticipation of  turning the next page to find out what is going to happen next with the characters who have  become part of your world for the duration.  It’s like you step into the Wardrobe and walk into Narnia – you become part of the story.  Can you do that with an E Book?  I dont this so.  I mean what happens when you get to the important part and you have to recharge???

Its the having the book in your hands, the turning of the pages, its the smell of the paper, its  the fact that sometimes you have to sticky tape the pages back into the binding ...

Ok, I know that for writers E Books are another market to sell their books... but its just not the same is it?  Maybe I'm just an old romantic?

Simply put, I believe its having the book in your hand, being able to fall asleep at night with it after reading a most compelling chapter, its about being able to disappear into a book with the characters - isnt that the magic of books?

Somewhere in the back of my brain there is the thought that I would like to write a book – who knows - hold that thought!

Monday, November 07, 2011

Rapunzel, Rapunzel .....

There is something quite unruly about my hair. 

 I have quite vivid memories of my childhood where my mother would just look at my hair and say “darling, you have such special hair…” and I always wondered what was so special about my very thick, red - curly, wurley hair that was ever a distraction to me while I was growing up. Always on my list to Santa each year would be: 1. Ladies Bike, 2. Ronson Hairdryer with attaching inflatable drying hood and 3. Long straight red hair.

Growing up my hair was the centre of my universe: long or short my friends and I would make an afternoon of trying to straighten my hair and of course it was an exercise in futility: like paper always wins over rock, curls always win over straight hair.


My best friend had beautiful straight locks that were the envy of all the girls in our class. It would flow way beneath her shoulders and down her back – in fact we spent many hours in school cutting out her split ends … much to chagrin of all the teachers. She always carried around a special pair of scissors for just this occasion and her ever warning words, “just cut out the split ends and not the good bits” – still ring clear in my mind some thirty years later. By the time we finished year 10, I have to say that I had become a very proficient split-end cutter but what was the chance that I could get employment with that skill?

The cumulative amount of money and time that I would spend at the hairdresser nearly amounts to the National Debt: washed, dried, cut very short with a different colour rat tail, or grown long and braided with pretty coloured ribbons; blonde highlights, dark red highlights – I have tried it all. No wonder my hairdresser was always happy to see me – a full morning spent in the salon followed by the “must” purchase of special anti frizz, protein adding shampoos, conditioners, special colour conditioners, anti frizzing gels, lotions and crèmes – I have tried them all! Mind you, all it took was one step outside the hairdresser’s and gone was my “do” and back came the curls!

Speaking about the trip to the hairdresser: there’s something very scary about letting a new hairdresser loose on your hair with a pair of scissors especially with my hair. More often than not we would discuss what I would like and then you would wait for her or his interpretation of what I wanted. Yikes!  Cup of coffee in hand, I would sit quietly but nervously in my chair looking into the mirror hoping like hell that they wouldn’t notice me staring at every movement of the scissors while sending them special thought messages not to stuff it up.

Ok, I have to admit that I haven’t been to the hairdresser for 10 years – so yes you are right surmising to say that I have taken to cutting (trimming) my own hair and putting a colour into it every now and then.

Even after hours in front of the mirror and with the most expensive anti-frizz cream, Evan still tells me that more days than not I look like the wild woman from Borneo with red curls flying all over the place doing what they feel they must, rather than what I want them to do but that’s ok I have finally realised that my red trusses, albeit messy and wild, are just a part of who I am.

And Evan loves his wild woman from Borneo!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Who Is Going To Win The Melbourne Cup?

One of the best ways to pick a winner, any winner – and it’s a tried and tested method is by one of the following means:-
  • Toss a Coin
  • By Silk Colours
  • By Favourite Jockey
And most importantly …
By Horse name.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ……………….
Someone once asked me how I do my form and I replied with great trepidation. I now had to give away my secret formula of reading the form and I cant pass this information on in detail now otherwise I will have to shoot you.
The Melbourne Cup as you will all know has always been a favourite betting race for all Australians – however this year with there being so many overseas horses with information unknown there will be many snakes and ladders – so punters do take care.
I guess the most important issue I feel is to know is that the horse can actually run the distance. If your horse runs out of gas at the 2500m mark – its all over and he’ll be home with the cab-catchers!! 
Another important factor to me is the jockey – no one knows the nuances of Flemington like the local grown lads. Ok, so you have picked your horse, he has some unknown overseas gentleman riding the horse for the first time at Flemington and more than likely will be sitting 5-wide for the whole trip! Goodbye money!
Barriers. Always, always a contentious issue. You know, if you were running your horse in a maiden at Doomben and you drew Barrier 24 – you would scratch him without a moment’s notice. But, this is the Melbourne Cup, so, if you happen to have drawn 24 in the Melbourne Cup – good luck!! Mind you, Brew did it…

Barriers are a big thing… ask yourself the question… will the jock go forward and use up the much needed gas needed for the sprint home?? Or will he or she go back and slot in? Horses drawn the inside barriers will be taking it easy having a snooze while those from the outside will be whisked like scrambling eggs trying to find a position.
Ok, now looking at the horses themselves…. Will they be wearing any different gear to get them through the 3200m? An example of this would be Americain who will now be sporting Concussion Plates instead of normal racing plates. He might have a jarring up problem… not that they are going to tell us!!
Over to the Overseas Contenders – in fact they all are really with the exception of Older Than Time, Niwot and The Verminator. 
With the overseas contenders one issue to contemplate is, have they been out in the Victorian sunshine competing in races? Statistics show that overseas horses that have done the quarantine thing and are competing in races during the carnival do better than those who haven’t raced in Australia – they’ve settled in, their eating, their racing and can be competitive.
The yard stick to measure the overseas horses seem to be Jukebox Jury, Americain, Dunaden and Drunken Sailor who have spent the last couple of months competing against each other overseas.
Jukebox Jury has beaten all of these horses during this time. However, in saying that, the question still remains, has Jukebox Jury settled in and acclimatised?? How do we know as he hasn’t raced since arriving in Australia?
One thing that sticks out like the proverbial is that Niwot can run and win at the distance. He has a strong local jock to steer, has a half way decent barrier and is being trained by Team Hawkes – who takes no prisoners ( remember Malucky Day who ran 2nd last year in the Cup after winning the Lexus – and coincidentally just like Niwot).
Ok, the 64,000 question …. Who is going TOWIN??
Whatever you want TOWIN, I hope it does go on TOWIN for you.
Mmmmm…. now, where is that coin??

Sunday, October 30, 2011

On a Special Afternoon...

I got to witness Mother Nature at her best.  Really, words don't seem to describe it.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Traditions, Memories and Fairytales - The Melbourne Cup

The Melbourne Cup has always been a tradition in my house.  I remember growing up during my school years and making sure that I was always home,  to be around for that time of the afternoon when the “Race That Stopped a Nation” ran – I am wondering how the teachers never cottoned-on to that as every year, on the first Tuesday of November, I would be home and sick!  Or, at worst come home at half day because of a sudden onset of  migraine that needed me to go home to my bed.
This was an event that my mum and I shared together:  Every Sunday prior to the race we would be scouring the papers, getting all the latest mail and advice from the columnists so that we could make our informed choices then mum would make her way down to the local TAB so that she could put on our bets – which for my mum was a huge event as she would walk in and throw herself on the mercy of one of the tab locals to find out how to fill in the cards.
On her return from the TAB, back in front of the tv armed with all sorts of goodies to watch the flamboyance and glitz, we would sit patiently waiting for the parade of champions.
Think Big, Van der Hum, Gold & Black, Arwon, Hyperno, Subzero, Jeune, Saintly, Might & Power and Jezabeel – to name a few…we stood up and cheered them all home…willing each one on to victory. Not forgetting of course the year that the Goondiwindi Grey ran third carrying a massive 60kg.  These moments were certainly a highlight of my childhood and they are memories that I will always have and cherish.
And the rich stories that have come to light from the journeys of these horses to actually get to the race. In fact, the magical stories that come from the Melbourne Cup are probably more important than the Cup itself.
In conversation with a friend the other day I was shocked to hear myself talking the great race down… and further I wondered how I had become so cynical of the actual thoroughbred industry itself.
This year the Melbourne Cup is a totally different race.  No longer is it the reachable dream of the battler owner-trainer who has a horse that "goes-good". Remember Snowy Lupton & Kiwi, Les Bridge & Kensei, George Hanlon & Arwon or even the fairy tale inaugural Melbourne Cup winner Archer - who walked from Nowra to Melbourne to take his place in the race.
Rather now, the Cup is a race of the internationally bred high-dollar flyers who also come with their own overseas-grown jockey. Interestingly enough, the actual timing of the race itself is also geared towards overseas betting markets.
It really goes deeper than that:  Australians no longer breed stayers because the race clubs are no longer scheduling staying races.  Which means when it comes time for the Melbourne Cup, the cupboard is bare.
The racing industry these days is now geared towards early 2YO sprint racing with the State bonus schemes also encouraging with enormous winning bonuses. 
I have never been an advocate of early 2YO racing when clearly most horses are not mentally capable or physically mature enough to handle the whole business of racing. Hand in hand with 2YO racing are the yearling sales that encourages  a yearling horse to be grown artificially to the size of a 3YO.
Is horse racing now all about those who have the most money to spend on a horse, a service fee or yearling?
Is it about growing them quickly and not realizing their full potential so that they can win the bonus scheme money?
Or is it about rearing a foal with love and nurturing it through its first few years until it’s mentally and physically ready to be broken in?
Yes I will be watching the Melbourne Cup on Tuesday and I will be thinking of the fond times that I spent with my mum, however, there will be no fairy tale finish in 2011.
After all these years I still hold the dream of breeding a stayer; a Macdougal, or a Gold and Black – I guess you never know what tomorrow may bring.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Matilda ... 13 Years Young

What I'm Reading..

The Synopsis:

Ellen O'Farrell is an expert when it comes to human frailties. She's a hypnotherapist who helps her clients deal with everything from addictions to life-long phobias. So when she falls in love with a man who is being stalked by his ex-girlfriend she's more intrigued than frightened. What makes a supposedly smart, professional woman behave this way? She'd love to meet her!

What she doesn't know is that she already has. Saskia has been masquerading as a client, and their lives are set to collide in ways Ellen could never have predicted.

This wonderfully perceptive new novel from Liane Moriarty is about the lines we'll cross for love. It's about the murky areas between right and wrong, and the complexities of modern relationships.
As Ellen is about to discover, we're all a little crazy – even her.

What I Think...

To be perfectly honest, Im not sure... its taking me forever to get motivated to settle down and read it... but when I do settle down to it ... it seems ok.  MMMmmmm...I just think that with the seriousness of having a stalker you would think that the main character would be a little more ... um, er dynamic?  Am I too tough on it? Im not even half way... I'll keep going and see what happens...  I like it but ....

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Ok I Do Have a Secret…

I am addicted to the show, Brothers and Sisters.  I don’t know how it happened, and its way after the free-to-air showing – it just sort of happened accidentally, as do most vices.  So, I have been seen popping into Big W to pick up the next season instalment so that I can keep feeding my addiction – much to Evan’s annoyance … he says its crap. Lol

So I walk into Big W last week itching with anticipation of picking up Season 3 only to see that the store is already geared-up for Christmas!  AAArgh!   

I stop suddenly where Iam standing and unfortunately the lady with the pram and the 3 kids who are trailing up behind me come to a screaming halt as well – much to the mum’s disgust.  All I can see are aisles and aisles of trees, decorations, cards, wrapping paper – you name it, they have it. 

Surely it’s not that time already?  I have a momentary panic … surely its not… and I check my Blackberry and its 20 October  … I raise my eyebrows in mild annoyance at the fact that the big “Do” at the end of the year is approaching – and quickly – quicker than Black Caviar over the last 200m at Moonee Valley. 

But what is it about Christmas that turns normally rational, sane people into  gift-buying fanatics that turn a Shopping Mall into a place only for the very brave?  Forget about Christmas Cheer lol, as every carpark is turned into a battlezone and it’s survival of the fittest, the fastest and the biggest 4WD.  My little Pulsar doesn’t stand a chance of getting out alive!! 

Once you finally get a parking spot after a good 50 minutes of stalking around the lanes, watching the comings and goings of all the people, waiting to snatch that 1 parking space then its up into the shopping mall with all the other crazies who have been sitting on their bums thinking about Christmas for the last 3 months. 

5 hours later you have found 1 gift after walking around and around and around going in and out of stores.  Its all starting to get to you, your level of patience is 0. Your stomach is beating out a wild SOS trying to get your attention; your eyes are tired from all the air conditioning and your feet are screaming with tiredness and its as much as you can do to put one foot in front of the other back to the car park only to find that you didn’t park your car on Level3 – C …  

Breathe Helen, breath…aargh!!  Im hyperventilating just thinking about it.   

And then there are the Christmas Cards that have to be out in plenty of time … so that you can respond to any that come in that you weren’t expecting.  I won’t even go near the family newsletters that seem to be very popular at this time of year. 

*Sigh* I have had to grab hold of Ruby to get some canine therapy to soothe my savaged nerves. 

I do have a plan this year though.  It involves a cup of Merlo plunger coffee, something sweet .. my laptop, my debit card - and my lounge chair.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Im Only Going to Speak About This Once…

And its one for the WPMO file…

It’s like a ritual, every morning Evan and I get up – Evan feeds and waters the horses and I get up and sort the dogs out… yeah, they are like my kids I guess – I turn on the tv to Sky News and see what horrific events have happened in the world overnight.

There is the odd murder, there may have been a disaster of cataclysmic proportions that we can view live as it happens, or there may have been a report of a scandal regarding a well known celebrity; but these days we seem to be suffering from “Ground Hog Day” when it comes to the political news on the tv and the management and governing of our country and to be quite frank, Im just over it!

Iam over that woman getting on the tv and instead of talking about progressive policy and legislation that she will be introducing with her minority government, she is playing school-yard tattle-tailing about the Opposition Leader about something that was said 3 weeks ago. And it’s not just a once-off, its endless and mindless and to be perfectly honest Im done listening to it.

Mind you, her opponent is not blameless either as Sky News gives equal viewing to both sides; I hope like mad that something has changed and he will put forward some future progressive policy and a reason to change the Goverment, however all I hear are his very scripted speeches about nothing in particular (with the words, NO and NOT always featuring prominently).

Ok, Porridge is eaten and it’s time to have some toast with my cup of tea before I get ready for work… by this time of the morning the news is done for the moment and it’s time for AM Agenda.

The format of the show if you don’t know it is for the host to bring on 2 pollies from either party – so that you can get 2 opposing views of the topic (mind you, most mornings the topics are the same: Newspaper Polls, Asylum Seekers or Carbon Tax – take your pick its usually one of these).

Both representatives are usually in 2 different studios, and it’s probably for the good reason that Sky News is frightened that they will end up in a huge all-in-brawl – the host will then ask each representative a question and the other representative gets the right of reply.

Seems like a winning format for a tv show doesn’t it? Informative, with lively discussion eminating from a strong host who can control both parties.

Problem is most days the show usually ends up as a brawling match with both pollies yelling and screaming over the top of each other trying to be heard and a very timid host trying but failing dismally to control them.

Perhaps this show should be renamed, “World Championship Verbal Bashing”?

I turned to Evan this morning (before he turned the sound off) and told him that this show was reminiscent of my school debating days, when the ability to shout and scream over your opponent while they were talking always gave you the upper hand. I cant repeat to you what he replied!

So what you have in essence is a prime time current affairs show, 2 over paid politicians constantly talking over each other with snide and sarcastic comments and a host who might as well not be there! Perhaps the pollies think that they are back in the House and don’t have to behave like an adult human being?

And here’s another thought, where is the media that should be keeping them accountable to the people they serve?

To me it seems that our federal politicians and our country leaders have lost the plot as to why they are in politics. Perhaps they could be there to serve us, the people?  Now there's a novel thought!! 
This morning I made an executive decision when AM Agenda came on. I turned it over to the Food Channel.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Food Glorious Food?

Eating.  One of my most favourite things to talk about!  I have been told by Evan that I expect too much from restaurants ...

Ok, I have to admit that I do have very high expectations when it comes to the flavour of the food that I eat. I know that most times I can usually taste the flavours before the food actually hits the roof of my mouth.

C’mon, you know what I mean… have you ever opened a packet of salt and vinegar chips and the split second while you are opening the packet your mouth is already juicing up experiencing the tangy taste sensation of the acidic vinegar mixed with the salt and you just cant wait to put the chip into your mouth and bite down and actually live the flavours that your mouth is dreaming of?

Same goes when you walk into a restaurant, hungry and anxious with expectation of a great meal out.  Your mouth begins to start watering with the anticipation of deliciously tasting food. Not only does it get the digestive juices dancing, but it puts you in a good mood and the endorphins start rushing around and you’re bursting with excitement at the prospect of enjoying some stimulating company, drinking some beautiful wine and ultimately filling your tummy with some beautiful flavours.  Well mostly!

Living on the Darling Downs of Queensland the choice of good eating establishments is limited (oh how I miss my favourite haunts in Balmain and Surry Hills!) so you can imagine how crabby I was after a recent experience at a local pub – where both Evan and I left feeling bloated, disappointed and wildly out of pocket for a meal that was not worth half the actual cost of it!

Perhaps I am unrealistic? But then again, why shouldn’t I get good food and service when I am paying for the privilege of it?

Ok, I wasn’t expecting the level of service and food as "Ampersand", but this was ridiculous! How hard can it be to deliver an edible Chicken Burger accompanied by hot, well seasoned fries?

Why should anyone have to suffer through a 13cm high  (get your ruler out and check out the size!!) Chicken Burger, filled with an over cooked oily chicken fillet and runny, warm coleslaw? Ok, there was some lettuce and tomato also present at the scene of the crime - and to add insult to injury there were also some mostly warm unseasoned fries on the side as well.

Do I mention that the meal was also accompanied with a paper napkin, a fork and a butter knife?  No serrated knife that might actually cut the burger was sighted in the restaurant.

It was at that point after getting RSI of the wrist through cutting the dam thing with a Butter Knife that my digestive juices packed up and left me for the afternoon. Not to mention the endorphins – they had immigrated south for the duration.
And to add insult to injury, our waitress, did not utter a word when she came to pick up the plates – which were mostly uneaten.

Surely chef’s must realise that something is wrong when plates keep coming back into the kitchen with the napkin purposefully placed over the leftover food?

And whatever happened to serving staff actually caring about your dining experience and asking you, “How did you enjoy your meal?” and really meaning it rather than bearing up to the table with a sullen face and just picking up your plate - under sufferance because they have to?

Eating out should be full of good experiences - good food, good wine and great company and friendly staff that want you to enjoy their food and make you want to come back again.

Is it too much to expect???

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

We've Changed.

Like the rest of the world around us, both Evan and I have felt a urgent need to change and re-invent ourselves, Massie Lodge and the things that we do every day.
Evan has changed in a big way! No longer is Gallopers just a place to buy a thoroughbred horse, in fact, selling horses is probably a very small part of what Gallopers website now is.

Gallopers is now the one place to go when you want to find out about the Thoroughbred Industry as a whole. Jockeys, Horses, Track Conditions, Race Previews, Articles, Exotic Betting (quinellas, trifecta's and quaddies) and of course not forgetting "GGT" - Gallopers Good Thing - a free tip that is given out on the website.

Not only does Gallopers look at the thoroughbred industry, this all new website encompases NRL, AFL and EPL - with guest writers who have the best knowledge on their given subject.

Evan is still a Jockey Manager for 2 Jockeys: Damien Robinson in South Australia and Chris Pace (Apprentice) in Victoria. As you can imagine you need a good thorough knowledge of the industry to look after a jockey successfully - and those of you who know Evan, know that he is a very astute form student.

Massie Lodge has changed over the years and we both decided that while we do like having horses around the place, the industry has changed so much that there just isnt a market for a small boutique agistment place when it is obvious that the large establishments are failing by the bucket load.

However, in saying that, Massie Lodge is not about bums in paddocks and never has been - it is still a thriving, loving environment for horses who need something extra - rather than being a number in a big paddock.

We are still taking in horses for agistment on a small scale and are happy to speak to people who have a need and prefer a small, intimate establishment for their horses to spell or have a mare that needs to foal down in a small, caring environment. We offer the very best of care to all residents and like to think that because our numbers are small, we can give each horse one-on-one attention and lots of love as well. I like to think because our numbers are small its our very big advantage over other properties.

Please call Evan or myself if we can help you in this regard.

And me? Well I seem to be going in many directions at the moment. Crazy Horse Marketing is out there in the market place and has some nice clients and is also doing some volunteer work for community groups as well.

Under the banner of Crazy Horse, I am authoring 3 blogs: A Jockey's Journey and A Black Cockatoo - and of course The Life and Times of Massie Lodge - which when I get a few minutes to myself will also undergo some cosmetic and directional changes as well.

All very different blogs. If you get a moment go and have a look. I will place them on the right hand side so that you can keep up with each of them.

I have decided with this blog that I am going to go back to what I do best: telling my side of the story.

When I started this blog it was my intention to make this blog not only about Massie Lodge but about the things that meant alot to me; my thoughts and impressions about life as I see it. I believe that its time to go back to this and be true to my writing self. I have so many things to say about a whole lot of issues and experiences - I reckon its time to reinvent myself and be true to myself. I hope that you will enjoy what I have to say.

Photography and writing are my passions ... its time to be true to them and to myself!

Well, that about sums it all up.... I hope that you will come back to making this blog a part of your life and reading experiences and be entertained with my views on life, the universe and well, everything!

Helen :)

Friday, July 22, 2011

If It's Friday... It Must Mean That Tomorrow is Saturday!

It's only been 1 week since I last posted - much better than the previous where it took me 6 months to pull my finger out and post something. You know, its not that I didnt want to post anything, its just that time always seems to have a way of running out - and the further you get through the year the the quicker time seems to fly. You only get the time to do the things that you have to do or are work-related and the things that make you smile and make you feel happy - get lost by the wayside.

Its been another hectic week in the Robinson household - while Iam out at the office, Evan is running his jockey-empire (not really an empire, lol). He is still looking after Damien Robinson in South Australia (if you want to check out Damien's blog, please click on the following link: A Jockey's Journey), and he is also looking after Chris Pace - an apprentice in Victoria. So, his week day's are fairly full chasing rides for the boys, watching races, keeping Gallopers up to date, looking after the Massie Lodge residents and everything else that crops up during the day (lol) and he even manages to have the fire lit by the time I get home - and cook dinner!

So, by the time the weekend rolls around, we both are relieved that we can both kick back and just chill a little. Im wondering this weekend if I can drag him to the movies... LOL ... not if the boys are racing!

The winter has been cold this year with most mornings finding the mercury below 0. There have been plenty of heavy frosts (which have just about killed all of my vegetables), and most days the sun manages to come out with a very weak prescence - usually blown away by the prevailing winds that seem to come off the Arctic Caps themselves. We are both officially "OVER" winter - and we still have August to come to grips with. August, however, is usually not as bad as July (thank goodness). Both Evan and I are desperate for our break at the end of August where we will be down in South Australia and where we will be able to watch Damo ride in person.

With the days being so cold and miserable, the incentive and enthusiasm to go outside and spend time with the horses has been sadly lacking unless its feeding or doing something that needs to be done.... still I am hoping for a nice day over the weekend so that I can get outside and hang out with them as I miss just being with them.

My camera is also feeling very neglected and I'm hoping that I can rectify that. Watch this space lol

Saturday morning sees Eric coming over in the morning to Microchip Herman and Rocky - finally. I caught up with Eric during the week and he said that he has been extraordinarily busy - and the breeding season hasnt even started yet (mind you its not that far off!).

We dont have any babies due this year, and I have mixed feelings about that, still, I wasnt going to put Pip back into foal as she is retired and loving her fat life down the back paddock with Goss (who is also retired). Pix is no way near ready to be a broodmare, so we will sit this year out - as I said with mixed feelings. Mixed feelings about not having any foals as they are such funny individuals to have around but also mixed feelings about where the Queensland Racing Industry is heading. Honestly, there's not much to like about Qld Racing and especially their Executive and their policies.

Perhaps if and when AI comes in for thoroughbreds, Pip may still have another baby - indirectly -which means I would need a recip mare to carry it for her. LOL (Dont tell Evan that Iam even thinking about it!).

Harry continues to nurse his sister in their paddock - Im not concerned that he is not racing yet... but dont worry it will happen - leaving Jimmy in the paddock certainly didnt hurt him and he won 5 races!

This has turned into an epistle! Time to do some work - until next time :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Evan - A New Life Chapter

Evan suffered a heart attack at the end of May. Its actually funny writing about it now... it all seems such a long time ago ... and I always wondered how I would react if Evan had another incident as he had had an angioplasty back 12 years ago and he was always saying to me, "Nah, it will never happen."

Well yes, it did happen and it happened when I came to bed one night and he woke up and said I have some indigestion and a weird feeling in the throat. I said to him "Are you ok?" He said "yeah" and went back to sleep.

Well he woke up as normal the next day and went and did the horses, cleaned out water troughs, chopped some wood and came in and said I dont feel well. I pretty much picked him up by the scruff of his collar, threw him in the car and took him up to Warwick Hospital where the lady on Reception came out from behind her desk and took him straight into Casualty.

After a trip to The Wesley in an ambulance on the Friday - he had a stent put in on the Wednesday and was home on the Thursday. Exactly a week from when all this started.

Needless to say being in a health fund made all the difference in the world, however, in saying that, he was treated in the Public System at Warwick and we couldnt fault it. They were fantastic.

So, yes, it is a new life chapter for my Evanski. And things are already different. :)