Sunday, March 28, 2010

Weaning Pix

If you ever ask me what I really thought of yesterday I will tell you that it was probably one of the worst days we have ever had here.

Weaning Pix was on the agenda and while everything started out well....the day took a nose dive pretty quickly and both Evan and I were over the point of exhaustion by the time we walked back into the house that afternoon after feeding.

The wean Pix meant we had to move horses around. When you start moving horses who have been settled in the one paddock for a while, they too start to get agitated and those watching the moves taking place join in the fun as well!

Pix and Pip both started out pretty relaxed about being separated, however, given an hour or so when Pix realised that she couldnt see mum or Aunty Goss any more, chaos reigned supreme.

We have tried a different method of weaning this time and I have to say that everything has gone smoothly - thanks to Aunty Angel and Molly.

Pip was very half hearted about losing Pix, however when Pix started calling out in earnest, both Pip and Gossip were answering her loud and clear! (Also to do with the fact that it was a windless day as well).

This went on for most of the night until about 3am. Evan got up to find out what the quiet was all about (???) and Pix, Angel and Molly were all up the front picking to their hearts content. Pip and Goss - who are in a paddock full of pick - went back to the business of becoming fat.

I did some work with Pix today and I have to say that while she is a big filly, she is still just a baby in her head.

So far so good we have had a nice and quiet Sunday with only a little bit of calling out from both Pip and Goss. See, not only did we have to wean Pip and Pix, we had to wean Gossy from Pix as well!!!

Lets hope for a quiet night tonight.

The True and Outstanding Adventures of the Hunt Sisters

After having a very hectic day last week, I decided to spend my lunchtime cruising the Warwick Library and just chilling out with my old friends - Books of course!

After giving that True Blue Crap the "thumbsdown" and chucked it back into the cupboard to find its way into the black hole, I needed to be reminded that there are plenty of writers out there who dont write crap just to sell a book!

And I found one!

The True and Outstanding Adventures of the Hunt Sisters is written by Elisabeth Robinson and is written in the form of correspondence and emails. I have to say that I am enjoying it immensely!!

The review from says it all:-

Olivia Hunt is unemployed, living alone, and working on the fourth draft of her suicide note when she gets a phone call that lets her know what real trouble is. Madeleine Hunt is her younger sister, the annoyingly happy one who married the hometown guy while Olivia set out to conquer Hollywood, ha, ha. And Maddie is in trouble.
Pulled home for the first time in years, Olivia gets a painful dose of real life as she tries to help her sister, keep her parents from running off the rails, and reconnect with the boyfriend who left without a word but might still be the love of her life. And, of course, the movie she's been trying to put in front of cameras for years heats up just as she leaves town.
Racing between Hollywood, hospital rooms, and film sets in Spain, Olivia has to do the impossible at work and at home--and learns that love will let her do no less. By turns charming, heartrending, and hilarious, The True and Outstanding Adventures of the Hunt Sisters is a novel for anyone who has ever loved a sister (or a great story).

Definitely worth a read if you see it!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Little Molly - Well On Her Way

Last Sunday

These photos were actually taken last Sunday morning and I was supposed to post them last weekend however, I got a little bit distracted by cutting my face open on one of the steel bars in one of the paddocks.

The long and the short of it is was that I had become complacent and didnt really think what I was doing (I was around 2 of the mares). One of the mares came up behind me and pushed me face first into the steel fence. This resulted in a very attractive cut from my left eyebrow down to the middle of my cheek missing my left eye by a fraction - dont be mistaken, you cant miss it.

My vanity has stopped me from taking a photo of my injury and posting it, however I have had a huge lesson in various things since doing it. Im not sure what is worse, the cut itself that looks like it could be a variation on Harry Potter's scar or the brusing that has taken place since doing it.

Please enjoy the lovely photos and think of me and my stupidity.

True Crap!

I have to say that True Blue is True Crap!! Im a quarter way through the book and I keep thinking to myself, "Maybe its going to get better ...What was he thinking??". LOL

Dont get me wrong, I love reading David's novels, The Camel Club Series, The Sean King & Michelle Maxwell stories but this is .... um .... er ..... crap! (Have I already said that?).

I will keep persisting with it but Iam already looking forward to my next book.

Pikey ..

Im not quite sure what Pikey is trying to achieve here... it could be a canine yoga move or it could be because he is cold. It could even be .... I have no idea what goes on in the Pikey Man's head. I think sometimes its better not to know!!

Pikey Man has his own Facebook page which has really got quite a good following. It certainly is funny to see him on the chair posting on the net. LOL

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Morning Has Broken....

Molly says Goodbye to Dirty

Its that time of year when the foals are getting big enough to leave their mum. In the case of Molly (Over / Dirtierre) today is the day. Weaning the foals is always difficult for me, but Evan says thats just because I get too attached to all the horses! Molly has had a little bit of education prior to going into the weaning barn and her mate Angel (Hidden Dragon / Local News) will now become her best buddy.

Molly is a very sensible girl and seems to take everything in her stride. To me, she looks like a real racehorse in the making.

Evan keeps telling me that Pixie Lix is next on the list. However, its going to be especially difficult for me because I know how much Pip (and Gossy for that matter) love her. She was a miracle after all and to be perfectly honest I thought that the trauma Pip went through with her leg would be the end of Pix during the pregnancy. However, thank God, it was not to be and we now have the wonderful Pixie - by Conatus (with the beautiful Denise's Joy family) out of Epiphany - by Century out of Biscay Dancer.

Am I a little biased? You bet!

The Grey Girls and their Boys

Nottie and Southern (Why For Not and Another Southern) are very happy with their lot in life: they have a paddock full of pick (thanks to the rain that we had), and two very nice boys (Buck Rogers and Northie).

Its taken some time for Nottie to get into the "maternal way" but since the penny dropped, she has been enjoying having her boy, Buck Rogers around. Southern took to motherhood like a duck to water, however little Northie was premmie and has really only just started to bloom and catch up to his mate, Buck.

Both boys are very sweet, especially Buck Rogers, who likes to put his head in your hand and just smooge away. Its taken Northie some time to warm to humans, however, we're at a stage now where he is keen to come up and talk to you, let you give him a pat on his head or neck and likes to hang around you when you're in his paddock.

As you will see from below, little Northie loves his mum and I'm sure that the feeling is reciprocated.

Northie and Southern

Buck Rogers


Good mates - Buck and Northie

Saturday, March 06, 2010

The Life and Times.....

It has certainly been the Life and Times of Massie Lodge these past weeks with inbound barrages from all over the place. Life is certainly a challenge, and both Evan and I have rallied together to get through all the (peaks and) troughs.

On one hand we have certainly become aware that people can turn easily and are certainly out for all that they can get. And on the other, the people who say that they are your friends will rally around you - no matter what happens.

One thing that I have noticed is that the wheels of justice move with two flat tyres.

I guess you just have to remember to keep your sense of humour and to keep looking for the sun to come out.

Thank you to all of those people (you know who you are!) who always seem to be there when you need them.


Four Fires

Take a bow Bryce Courtenay, another brillant book!

I sort of picked this book up by accident ... and Im glad that I did. It was fantastic and I couldnt put it down.
Four Fires is the story of the Maloney Family who live in a small town in Victoria. The story is about so many different things but mostly about their determination, their love and the triumph of the human spirit above everything.
Definitely worth reading.

Carl Spry - Back Riding in Queensland

(Photo: P Purser
Senior Jockey, Carl Spry, returned to Toowoomba back in late January after spending some time down in Victoria last year where he was based with Lee and Shannon Hope.

Evan is currently managing Carl (54kg) - if you would like to book Carl for a ride, please give Evan a call on 0409 470392.

Bessie Merle and Pikey...

There's always time to take photos of the Massie Lodge canines. Bessie Merle smiling for the camera as usual and Pikey (Im too cool, I also have a Facebook Page) Man in his shades.