Saturday, March 24, 2007

Being Lucy (Part 1)

Miss Lucy came out of the weaning barn today and was very happy to come outside with Isabell. Evan has started her education, but unlike Isabell, Lucy is a very different kettle of fish and everything seems to be a monster. While there is no malice, Lucy is just timid and frightened of this next step in her life.

After much patience spent and time ticking away, Miss Lucy decided that she would take a few steps forward on the path to growing up. She is a very switched on and intelligent filly, now she just has to learn to trust.

Miss Isabell, who is just so easy to work and to handle.. nothing seems to phase her.

Sisters, doing it for themselves... standing on their own two feet without their mums.


To our latest residents at Massie Lodge, Johnny and Blaze, who will be with us for a month or so. Johnny and Blaze arrived on Thursday from Toowoomba.

Adam came on Friday and took off their plates. The boys are currently in the house yards winding down from racing and will go out in the paddock out the back.

To Fast To Good (or Johnny to his friends), tucking into his lunch today

Blaze of Rory (or just Blaze to his mates)

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Being Isabell (Part II)

It's hard to imagine that we only put Isabell in the weaning barn on Sunday and on Wednesday she was stepping out with Evan and learning the things that she needs to know to start growing up.

I think that thing that has surprised both Evan and I is the ease in which Isabell has made the transition from being with mum to being an independent weanling, who has taken to learning the lead, lifting up her feet and other required elements of growing up, like a fish to water.

We have also been very surprised with her temeperament. She is a very quiet, giving and a calm young lady who is very intelligent and very "knowing" for such a young baby.

She certainly has stolen both our hearts.

It's now Lucy's turn to learn to live without mum and its been quite a different story with this young lady. However, she has the company of Isabell to get through this first rough patch.

Two very different young ladies with natures as far apart as the North and South Poles.

Helen & Evan.

Evan with his (second) favourite Girl - Miss Isabell

Leading Practice 101

Front leg ...

.... and then back leg

I think I'm tired now Dad..

Cuddles for both Dad ...

and mum after such a good lesson.

Let Me Out of Here!

On my way home from work yesterday, I called in to the Oakey Vet Hospital to visit the Dirty Girl (Dirtiere) who went in late last week for an annular ligament desmotomy. What that is in layman's terms is a procedure to give the tendon more 'room' as it passes around the fetlock.

It was good to see the girl (and she was quite pleased to see the carrot that I possessed in my pants pocket!!) and give her a cuddle. I think she thought when she caught site of the nurse and I coming into her box, that she was in for more needles.

We're looking forward to seeing the Dirty Girl back at Massie Lodge for some more rehabilitation early next week.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Isabell Grows Up

There comes a time in every foal's life when it they have to leave mum and learn to stand on their own 4 legs and become indepedent. Today was Isabell's day to be weaned. A sad, sad day for both Libby and Isy who have been calling out (with the only exception being meal times!?) to each other.

The very day we decide to wean Isabell it's blowing Force 10 winds, however, this has been a bit of a blessing as their calls get lost in the wind.

I have spent some time in the weaning barn with Isabell today and I dont think it will be very long until she comes out as she is fairly self sufficient already.

My little Isy is growing up. It only seems like yesterday that she was born.

I know, I know .. I get too attached.


Sweetie's Family Reunion

Not very often do we bring together a mare with her family, but today saw Sweetie catching up with her two sons. While this reunion seemed fairly amicable to start off with, it wasnt long before Sweetie was telling Lenny (her first born), who the boss is and will always be. Hah! As if there was any doubt? Sweetie's meeting with Jimbo today was very short lived - with Jimmy being a colt and Sweetie in season, we couldnt leave mother and son together for long at all (in fact it was a passing hello!).

Lucy met older bro Lenny, however, she is much too timid and ran behind mum very quickly.

Sweetie, you should be very proud of your family.

Sweetie doesnt mind Lucy sharing her food ... but its starting to wear a bit thin

Lucy - (By Pure Theatre out of Sweet Air)

Jimbo - (By Private Agenda out of Sweet Air)

Lenny (by Kinjite out of Sweet Air)

Once Upon a Time ...

on a small boutique property in South East Queensland, lived a 2yo thoroughbred gelding by the name of Jakey who would often dream of becoming a fast racehorse.

Standing in the barriers, tapping his feet restlessly, Jakey knew that today's race was the one he had to win for his lovely owners, the Robinsons, who had travelled many a long road to get Jakey to this race. Beadman had flown to Brisbane especially to ride Jakey for this race and Jakey knew that he was going to give it his all today.

The bell rang and the barriers flew open and as quick as lightning, Jakey jumped to the front knowing that Beadman would give him every opportunity to outrace his opponents.

The Stradbroke is only 1400m and Jakey knew that he had to settle down and not do anything silly, so that he had plenty to give at the end of the race. Slipping only behind No. 2 (a slightly overgrown colt with an ego to match), Jakey was on pace to make sure that he would be in a place to make a dash for the lead and the finish line, around the turn.

No 6, a old-timer who had been there and done it so many times that it was a non event, knew all the tricks and flew into Jakey at the top of the straight. Losing his balance, Jakey felt Beadman shift in the saddle and lose his iron.

Oh No! A catastrophe! Jakey quickly regained his balance and Beadman, being the professional he is, rode Jakey with his life until he managed to slip his left foot back into the stirrup iron.

Gaining with every stride, Jakey soon made up ground and was up with the front of the pack with 3 others.

Neck by neck, stide by stride. Jakey gave everything his heart could muster until the finish line loomed closer and closer.

Was he going to get there first? Was he going to show all the regally breds that he was better than them? Who was going to win? Was this gutsy little goer from Warwick going to show them all?

Nice dream Jakey, wake up!!!

.... where am i? This isnt Eagle Farm ...

... where's the finish line? Hmmmm.

"oops" *yawn*

Happiness is...

a large paddock filled to the brim with lush green pick and trees for shade and a stable for when it decides to rain.

One of the hardest things that we have, (hang on, I should say "I" instead of "we" as this is about me) I have to do being a breeder of Thoroughbreds is to be able to let go of our "kids" when the time has come for them to leave the nest and go on their merry way into the next exciting stage of their grand adventure on the road to becoming a race horse.

There's a pretty strong attachment that comes from seeing a youngster born, making sure that it bonds with mum, growing up and making sure that mum is teaching them everything they need to know for their next step, weaning. Weaning is the next stage where we become pretty intimate with the youngsters. We get to find out exactly how their personalities are developing, what little idiosyncrasis they have and its at this point where we have to stop all the bad little habits from developing.

After weaning comes more lesson time, learning how to be a young horse, learning how to lead, how to behave for the farrier and the vet etc etc.

So as you can imagine, a lot of time is spent with each individual to make sure that they find themselves on the right road for the rest of their lives.

It certainly does make the parting easier to know that these "babies" have gone to a great place for their next stage of life, where they will get every opportunity to develop to their full potential.

Max has certainly landed on his feet and as you will see from the below photos (courtesy of Max's owner), he is certainly in equine heaven.

So, happiness is .... being Max.


Sunday, March 11, 2007

Life Goes On...

for our yearling colt Jimbo, who is now on his own since Max left Massie Lodge.

Obviously not missing Max that much (and getting to eat his whole dinner without Max playing "cups up" with both of their bowls), Jim has struck up an interesting friendship with his half brother, Lenny, in the next paddock.

Some interesting trivia about Lenny and Jimbo. Both Lenny and Jimbo, whilst obviously not from the same sire, share the same feature on the near hind leg. This white patch is the same as their mother, Sweetie, who as you all know is a Chestnut with a white bit on the same area on her hind leg.

Their half sister, Lucy (by Pure Theatre) is completely different and has 3 and a half white socks. Figure that one out. lol

Even though Jimbo is quiet for a colt, we will be getting Monika to geld him in the next few weeks.

A busy half a week for us at Massie Lodge with my brother Neil coming up for a few days and then having the lovely company of our dear friend, Susie Black and her granddaughters, Tahnika and Ceelie - and not to forget of course, Patch Black who made a bee-line for the dam as soon as his paws hit the ground yesterday!!

A lovely dinner last night was had by all when we were joined by Monika Baffy. Gotta love that Semi Sauv Blanc..... yummo! Even better when it is from The Margaret River!

A busy day this morning was had pasting the last of the Massie Lodge residents.

Joie once again wins the Fidgit of the Year Award for not being able to stand still and Libby (Miss Independence), wins the Pratt of the Day after being a real pain in butt. I certainly wonder what goes through her mind sometimes. Maybe it's better that we dont know!!

The Dirty Girl, Jakey and Oscar were all good equines, however, the Gold Star award must go to young Jimbo who didnt care less about the whole thing and never moved a muscle. Gotta love the Jimbo.

Another week is just about upon us and Iam certainly being kept busy in my new job as there is a lot to learn.

Life is Sensational. Get some of your own!

Helen & Evan.

The handling practice (including lifting of all legs)

continues for Jimbo, with his mate Max long gone now.

Libby (with Isabell standing behind her) being a right pratt this morning.

The very handsome Oscar having a cuddle with Evan after his pasting.

The very lovely Miss Maddie, who looks beautiful and is so quiet

not being any trouble at all.

C'mon Joie.... you're going to love this!

Joie, who should be renamed, "Fidgit the Digit" not very happy about this morning's ordeal.

Evan with Jakey. Jakey was such a good boy during his pasting.

Eew yuk.... I hate being pasted!

I need a cuddle after that paste... or maybe a carrot? (Dirty Girl got both :-)

Bon Voyage

Friday saw the departure from Massie Lodge of long time resident Max, who went on his way on Friday up to Townsville to start the next exciting stage of his career. Not an easy trip for a first traveller, with 2 stops along the way and 2 changes of truck.
Before Friday came, Evan spent lots of time with Max preparing him for this trip and the adventure of getting into his first transport. This trip is very important in the life of a young colt or filly as they will remember it for the rest of their life. What we have done with Max is try to prepare him for the big trip up the ramp of the transport.

Half the battle was already won because Max trusted Evan completely and would do anything Evan had asked of him which was an enormous help when Evan tried to get up up the ramp.

Max should be in his new home by now. Good luck Maxy babe on your next new chapter in life!

Helen & Evan.

Evan with Max and Steve Styles from Idano Transport.

Max all ready to go with his travelling sticker on with Evan

Now Max, first you put your front feet up on the ramp

C'mon buddy up we go...

After loading and unloading 3 times it was time for Max to go on his way

All locked away, safe and secure.

Be seein' you Maxwell xxxooo

Sunday, March 04, 2007


never ceases to amaze me and the way Mother Nature tends to everything in her charge. The 20 odd mls of rain that we received the other day has sent the paddocks from brown to brown with a greenish hue with spikes of green grass trying desperately to reach the sun's rays. Some follow up would be perfect!

Today we did a shuffle of all the Massie Lodge residents: Vera and Trousers are now in the Horse Swimming Pool paddock, where they can calmly pick alongside their mates, Southern and Queenie.

Joie and Maddie are down the back paddock (big dam paddock) with Joie very happy for the above movement. This movement is getting ready for the arrival of Sweetie and Libby after weaning their fillies, Isabell and Lucy. I surely would love to be a fly on the wall to see Queen Joie and Queen Sweetie sort out the pecking order there. Um, I think I know who will win!

In the meantime, Sweetie and Libs and their fillies are in Rosie's paddock enjoying the pick before weaning time.

Jakey has been moved in with Oscar, however, this relationship has already shown some teething problems, so, Jakey will probably come back over to keep Jim company when Max leaves at the end of the week.

Lenny is keeping the darling Dirty Girl company in the stable yards - a match made in heaven.

Shorts and Floss are still in their respective yards and still being good girls. Adam is due out on Monday to give Floss's feet a going over and to reshoe her front feet.

The very handsome Jimbo will stay in the front yard when Max leaves as it will soon be time for him to be gelded.

All has settled down since the movements this morning and time for the humans to have some r&r before the start of the work week.

Life is good.

Helen & Evan.

The very handsome young Jimbo, who has a date with Monika in the
next few weeks to be gelded.