Saturday, July 30, 2005

Ah, What a Grand Day.......

today was, the sun was shining, I had a sleep in (and my cup of tea was remade for me as well!) and for some reason instead of catching up on my bookwork, I kept gravitating outside to the horses and the open spaces that surround Massie Lodge.

To say that I was glad to leave the office yesterday was an understatement and the fact that I didnt leave there until 6pm drags my beautiful sense of spring back into the winter doldrums!

Perhaps better not to think about yesterday (yes, a good idea me thinks).

I feel like I have missed three days of very important horse life when Iam working as I dont get to see them at all, well when I drive out of the drive way Iam usually feeling too guilty to stop because Iam inevitably late... That's why on Saturday I enjoy taking my time, spending long moments with each and every one of them. What a thrill when I approach and they whicker their delight at my prescence (ok, this is my illusion, so dont make any comments!).

I spent some very good time with Sunny (who arrived back on Thursday) this morning and today has been the first day that I have been able to inspect her since being away at Paul Moodys. She looks great! It was like a reunion of old friends... I know that I will be very sad when she goes through the Ready-to-Runs or perhaps gets sold before hand...I guess that that is the business we are in ...

Queenie is champing at the bit at this point to get out of her yard and it makes me laugh when you open the gate to her paddock, and you have to quickly get out of the way because she knows what business you are about. A high squeeling noise and then she is off like a rocket, bucking and pigrooting because she is out of her yard. A quick check of the back of Evan's ute to pick up all the hay that is left and then its off to visit her favourite picking spots. I think the old girl has never had it so good.

Next stop is to visit the preggie girls and take the medicated hoof grease to give their toes a paint after getting their hoof's trimmed on Thursday. These ladies are having their morning snooze and are still asleep as I go around and do the job. A quick bit of stomach watching just to ease my withdrawals from being at work and then its off to the dry girls to do their toes.

I realised my luck was going to change here because these girls are in season I think due to the warm weather and it must be so as the "Leonard-ometer" is working overtime. He wont leave that side of his yard where the dry girls are and is "most" interested in their movements. Hmmm. Great!?? I swear that weanling (soon to be a yearling) has the mind of a 4 year old stallion that has just served a full book and the body of a weanling. Iam hoping and praying that Sweetie delivers a filly this time in.

What an ordeal that was. It took me forever as Havachat and Jules were forever giving Snooks a hard time and they could not and would not see the benefit of getting their toes painted with the yucky green medicated stuff!

After spending 45minutes trying to get some sense out of the dry girls, I dropped all my tools and chattels and high tailed it right down the back to see the old girls and the Dopeyman.

My mobile rings and I decided that I had better answer it as it was Evan. "Where the Hell Are You?" "Um right down the furtherest paddock, sorry I got carried away in the sunshine and just kept walking!"

How lucky are we to be able to do that? Just take a stroll and keep on going and still be in our back yard? Damn lucky to be sure. I think sometimes I take it for granted of what we have here. It's paradise. I remember dreaming when I was a carer for my sick mum of owning a large property with horses and dogs to boot. I never imagined that I would one day be living that dream.

In fact I never thought that I would share my love of horses and dogs (I wont say birds as that would be pushing it!) with my husband either? How lucky is that?

And it is a dream come true. Even though it is a hard life that we choose, i.e. the thoroughbred industry, where else can you set your heart on a dream and make it come true? To have a dream and to live it is what fairytales are made of. ... and wishes do come true if you let them.

So all in all it has been a grand day today... oh and I did forget the icing on the cake from today, I followed Evan's tips and had 4 winners for 4 bets. Woooohooo!

Does it get any better than that?

I think not.

Get yourself some life man! (Available at all retail outlets)


The 3 Pretty Maids being visited by Little Joe before they formed their "line". Posted by Picasa

.... and PRETTY MAIDS ALL IN A ROW.... every day the 3 girlies stand in a line just before we feed up.. it is the funniest sight and always in the same order. Guess who is boss? When the ute approaches the line moves over to the feeding bowl... and not in an orderly fashion either... bucking and carrying on.. its so funny to watch! LOL Posted by Picasa

More of Sunny-girl. She is quite different in temperament to her mother (thank goodness) .. not skiddish at all, quite even tempered. She is, however, built like Libby and will grow into a big girl. Posted by Picasa

My beautiful Sunny girl - picture taken this morning (after cuddle). The work has certainly made her grow up. I will miss her. :-( Posted by Picasa

Little Joe... what a sweet temperred boy he is. But certainly under the thumb of Charlie! Posted by Picasa

I thought that I would post this picture of Charlie as a baby... dig that crazy hat of Evan's? He was the cutest baby and so placid :-) Posted by Picasa

Evan and Charlie. I love this horse (and I know that Evan does too) and iam desperately hoping and praying that we keep him and race him. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 28, 2005

There has been.....

an eerie silence since my last sorry, but I did have to get that off my chest. It was really bugging me. To me and I guess to many small breeders the Shuttlers are a real issue. I wish I had a crystal ball so that I could see into the future to see how it all turns out... and with the ever increasing yearling dollar, to see if the bottom falls out of the market... I can only hope that the decisions Evan and I make this year with our stallion choices, and they will all be local boys, are the right ones.

Certainly the Shuttlers Issue has produced some very interesting discussions between our friends (who all have a different interest in the industry). However, you will all be pleased to know that I have stood my ground and havent even waivered in the slightest breeze! (Some people might even call me stubborn! People who know me know that I have mellowed with age and can sway in the breeze if I have to - maybe). With that thought in mind I have been given a task. My task is to research the Shuttlers that have been out here on an ongoing basis, research their popularity and success and to see if I come up with anyone remotely as successful as Danehill!

An interesting assignment that I accept with both hands as I do love a challenge. Although Iam sure that I know the answer right here and now. I will report back in the next week my findings.

Watch this space!

Today sees a day at work for me and the sport of Telstra bashing in full flight. I have come to the conclusion that more often than not, because of what Countrywide is, people feel that it is an easy avenue to get their "Telstra" issues off their chest. I genuinely have no problem with this, as more often than not people get lost in the Telstra conglomerate of call centres, however, I DO have a problem with this when they yell down the phone that these problems are all because of me! (i.e. making it a personal issue when really it is only a company problem). I mostly have a thick skin (and one needs it on the front desk!), however, when it becomes one issue after another and people are being unreasonable and personal, it does get to you. Time to leave the office for a quick walk out in the fresh (freezing) cold air.

And as you can imagine, answering the phone at night after a day full of complaints, is the last thing that I want to do. So if you call and I dont answer the phone, dont be offended!

Comings and Goings

Sunny came home today from the breakers and is looking a million bucks, in fact, she is showing us that she looks like she could be a racehorse when she grows up! Paul was very happy with her and no refresher course is needed. Next up for Sunny is a holiday and then she goes up to Paul (the trainer) to learn how to be a racehorse for the ready-to-runs in October.

Miss Gracie left us to go to Paul (the breaker! There are way too many Pauls at the moment!) to be broken in. Such a sweet girl she is... so sweet that it took 3 grown men to get her into the truck!!! Well, I guess she is just a baby so she is forgiven.

Miss Caramel (the Moon Rocket filly) is going to be prepared for the January yearling sales.

Ozman will be aimed at the March sales.

And somewhere in between all of that, Susie (Star Ferry) will barrier trial and have her first start with Paul (the trainer!). Um not to mention that the mares will have their babies, dry mares are to be sent away (or walked on and off where appropriate).

Perhaps even a night away from this madness is appropriate as well! I shudder with exhaustion to think about the next 6 months. AAAARGH!

Given that I need to calm down and relax right now (no, I dont want to be awake at 3am in the morning worrying about preparation of a yearling, the preggie mares, Susie or any of them for that matter!), I will close this post and go and put my feet up on the lounge with a cup of tea. Perhaps Bessie Merle will come and sit with me as my beloved other half has gone to bed exhausted from his day moving horses around the yards.

LOL, sorry but its a given that the dogs will follow me to the lounge room - there is no perhaps about it, they will take up the two available seats on the lounge beside me and go into an instant coma. (I have to add to this that it amazes me no end how Lance can curl up, go into an insant coma for 5 minutes, get up move to the floor, drop down go into another instant coma and so on and so on). He is one amazing dog - takes after his old man I think!

On that note, I bid you goodnight!

Life, you would be dead without it.


Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The Shuttlers have Arrived............

Iam not one to bag people's individual choices as everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Iam also sure that some people prefer the imported pedigree to the locally bred.

However... in saying that.....

I have to sit in wonder why the governing body of thoroughbred registration chooses to make a big deal on their site about the fact that the American Shuttlers have arrived.

Surely they should be advertising the fact that home grown Australian Stallions are winning everyday and performing over and beyond all expectations? Obviously thats not big enough news? Probably too old hat. But who is pushing the locally grown product? (looking, looking, looking).

I have seen one major Queensland stud put out a huge advertisement with regard to breeding choices. They have also, in that vein, refined their lineup. Congratulations to them for having the gutz to take a stand on their principles.

You have to ask the question, just what sort of market are these imported stallions being aimed at?

An American market? An Asian market? No! They are being aimed and brought in by the container load to Australia. Since when is the Australian Stallion Market the same as America or Asia? It isnt.

We as a country of Stallion Owners (and Service buyers) have the very best there is to offer on the market here and now. Australia has always had a very high reputation as breeding winners of the best from the best we have available. Horses that can manage all sorts of conditions from wet and bog tracks to the dirt way up North. We also have local stallion owners bending over backwards trying to get our business. Why do we feel the need to bring in imports that attract hugely ridiculous service and agistment fees?

Is it the lure of the Yearling dollar? An interesting question.

Am I jealous of people who are sending their mares to these stallions? No Im not. I do have a concern on where the breeding industry is heading though.

Where is the balance? Where are the colonial lines that held this country in the highest esteem through the 50s, 60s and 70s? No offence to the major studs, but who the hell is Tiger Hill? Oh, hang on a sec, another son of Danehill that is standing for AUD $22,000. Surely with 81 Sons of Danehill standing in Australia (not counting Geronimo or Plat. Scissors) - we need another one? Ok, here's one, who is Dubleo? He arrived today according to the website...

Im sorry but I feel that there is something definitely wrong here.

Perhaps I should just take leave of my soap box and leave the matter alone as Iam just a lone voice living on the Darling Downs of Queensland.

At this point in time, (and I have calmed down since starting this post thanks to Bessie Merle who has sensed my outrage and feels that she needs to give me some comfort!),one thought comes to mind about the whole shuttling, stallion business. Be it a son of Danehill that stands in Queensland for $1500 or a son of Redoute's Choice or Sequalo or Canadian Silver or Lohnro or who ever.... we need to support Australian Stallions for the Australian market.

(take a deep breath and exhale........................)

Life is best one day at a time.


Monday, July 25, 2005

Watching Stomachs....

Yes! Its that time of the year again when a girl's thoughts turn to having babies....


um let me clarify that statement.... Yes it is that time of the year when a girl's thoughts do turn to having babies, especially when they are an Equine! This also means that it is the time of the year when mare's stomachs start to twitch, move, do flipflops and have little hooves making imprints in the side of mum's stomach!

Aaaah, stomach watching.... is there a better pastime?

Yes! Iam guilty as charged when it comes to stomach watching (thank goodness no one watches my stomach!!!! AArgh!!!) and Evan does roll his eyes skyward when he sees me down with the preggie mums, just standing there studying their stomachs.

Poor old Nanna (Splendid Feeling) has been oggled by me a few times in the past few days (Iam sure that she will be glad when I go to work!). It seems as soon as mum settles down for a quiet siesta after breakfast, basking in the morning sun, its time for baby to cause havoc and see how many tumbles and rolls one can manage in the womb - of course with space being at a premium, mum is all too conscious of all the action happening. Perhaps that is why Nanna decided against her mid morning snooze today and headed down to the dam for a swim in the freezing water? Thinking to herself, "That'll teach you for waking me up kid"! I suspect bubs must have been giving her the irrits as Nanna proceeded to roll in the mud and make the most glorious groaning noise.

Actually, Iam glad that the preggie girls are down the back because Iam sure that passing cars would think "what the hell is she doing, maybe its something Queenslanders do, stand there staring at that horse's stomachs????" (Oh no, am I Queenslander?)...

Its a beautiful time of the year... and the weather is quite mild ... I wonder if the Mares Union will vote for "On Time Deliveries" this year instead of last year's work-to-rule .... "Cross your legs and make them wait for delivery?" Nanna of course won the Queensland State Prize in the category of "Most Overdue Mare", with a record 4 weeks, Vera, (Ophira), our Prego mare actually tied for third place with 28 days. Vera become a "retiree" after last year as she seemed to struggle during the latter stage of the pregnancy...

Although in saying all of that, our Nth Queensland friend's mare delivered early a Rash Action colt. (Perhaps she wasnt a Union member?) lol.

However, Iam sure that if there WAS a Mare's Union, they would be taking strike action over having a baby year in year out. Iam also sure that our mare, Sweet Air (Sweetie) would be the Union Representative on our property - God help us all!

Ok.... on to other matters (as if there is anything more important than Stomach Watching???).

Star Horse.....

Our star horse for today is....... YON TURBO

CONGRATULATIONS must go to our friends in Victoria, Peter and Karen and their mare, YON TURBO who won her maiden at Tatura today..... woooohooooo!!! What a thrill to see their girl run and win!

Not forgetting our own girl, Susie (Star Ferry), who had her first hit out with Paul... the jockey got off her and said she went "enormous".... Now im sure that is good... but is it the same as "goes good?" Yikes I hate Jockey / Trainer speak. And last but not least,


To "Little Joe" who is by Lochrae out of Arunaway who has come to Massie Lodge for some R&R between preparations with Paul.

To be sure it feels like Spring already... life is bloody marvey! yippeee!!


The mum's to be... standing in the sun having their siesta after having their stomach's watched ... Nanna promptly left this party and went into the dam and had a roll. Way to go Nanna! Posted by Picasa

My name is APRIL and my father is Canadian Silver (can you see the resemblance?). If I get my looks from my father, I must get my temperament from my mother, Vera (Ophira). Now that is scary!!! Posted by Picasa

Lily and Short Pants... mates. Posted by Picasa

My name is LILY - Nanna (Splendid Feeling) is my mother... Iam extremely hairy (cause its been freeeezing here d'oh!). But I am a sweet child and I know that I will go on and be a Queensland Oaks winner. Posted by Picasa

My name is TURKISH TROUSERS ... and I am waiting ever so patiently for my dinner.... why aren't you up getting me my dinner????????? Posted by Picasa

My name is SHORT PANTS and i like to look into the camera and smile :) Posted by Picasa

WELCOME! To Little Joe by Lochrae out of Arunaway. This boy is enormous for a 1.5 year old... but has a great temperament. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 23, 2005

A Day In The Life.........

This is our yearling Sunny... actually this is a picture of Sunny when she was a weanling last year with Oriana and CharlieFarley. My how the time flies when I think of the drama that we had with her when she was a bubsie. Unfortunately her mother who should of been a blonde if she was a female human pushed her a little hard and she had a few leg problems when she was a wee one. But now she is fine albeit a little small. Actually she is a funny shape if the truth be known...

Paul is very happy with her and her mind is spot on. No trouble to take to Warwick Racecourse to canter around the track and stand in the stalls tied up. Rumour has it that she likes to keep in front of the other horse she goes out with!!

Another *** star *** in the making.


LET'S GO!!!!! Posted by Picasa

Ok here's the plan... I will lead and I will win... even though you are bigger than me, you got that ok????? Posted by Picasa

Let's go! Posted by Picasa

Ooooh he's a bit big for me.... Posted by Picasa

Time to get tacked up and ready for my big adventure. I got to win, I got to win... lol Posted by Picasa

Here Iam standing in the stall... very quiet with my rug on waiting, waiting, waiting.... Iam a good girl mum! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Queensland Drivers...

are at it again, and this time, I missed out on being collected and scraped out of my car by a paramedic by a hair's breath.

I have sat in wonder when we have driven into town (Warwick) and watched people approach Roundabouts... talk about Rafferty's Rules!!! One thing also that I have noticed since becoming a Queensland girl is that people in this town have a difficulty understanding the basic principle of stopping at a stop sign....

I was taught that stop meant......... to prevent from proceeding, acting, operating, continuing etc. etc. There are actually 14 separate meanings in the The Macquarie Dictionary - obviously not available up here in God's Country (well, I did bring this version with me when we crossed the border).

Sorry but the excuse, "I didnt see you".. doesnt really make the grade when I saw that this particular woman didnt even turn her head or even stop at the stop sign. Scary isnt it?

I was lucky because I was meandering to work through Allora and was doing under 60kph. That is what saved my life.

Grrrrrr.......... double Grrrrr............. triple Grrrr even!! Dont get me started with this subject!
Let me change the subject before I get thinking about what happened!

Ok.... What's happening here at Massie Lodge. (Change the subject, change the subject, keep focussed!)

Sunny our Kbenjar yearling being broken in has been taken to the track with Paul Moody and is going nicely through the barriers. What a girl! A week or so more with Paul and she will be coming home for a nice break before going up to Paul Niperess. We are off to see her working at Warwick Racecourse tomorrow so hopefully some piccies there!

Weather has been of a freezing nature with the winds feeling that they have been coming off the arctic caps, so we have been keeping ourselves in doors unless we need to ... of course the feeding still goes on and all the other bits and pieces that has to happen... but Iam sure that all the residents are happy to have their extra heavy winter coats on.... and you should see them on the weanlings, incredible as we have 7 woolly mamoths running around.

Apart from that all is quiet (and cold) .... there is, however, a murmering that one of the babies is going to be cut as he is getting quite difficult to handle.... hmmm watch this space!

Iam now going to stop this blog as I am tired and need to get to bed! (Stop meaning finish and not carry

Life is fantabulous isnt it?


Guess what this is??? If you can guess what it is correctly and know what it means you can win a prize!  Posted by Picasa

Miss Caramel, showing off her brand patch (with Bessie Merle doing a show pose in the background)! Posted by Picasa

Our Ozman Posted by Picasa

Evan (wearing the latest design from CK) with Ozman and Jakey. You cant see it in the picture but Lenny is behind about to give Evan a bite on the shoulder, lol Posted by Picasa

Evan and Lenny (yes, Lenny's testicles are not long for this world!) having a boys moment. Posted by Picasa