Saturday, April 30, 2005

OZ MAN..........

has gained his independence from mum, Zandrea. How the time is flying at the moment.... 5 babies down and just two left to wean.

Ozzie has proved to be a lot more like mum than we bargained for... a very sweet natured young colt who is very open to learning. He has remembered his friendship with Caramel and the two of them have become a very tight unit. Which leaves poor April without a good buddy. I have a feeling that she will hook up with Shortie Pants when its her time to leave Trousers.

April really has come on and is now very approachable for cuddles and pats. She is the spit of her mother in temperament. I know that I keep saying this, but she really is Vera all over (except for the white socks and huge blaze!!) - it makes me laugh when Vera plays at being aloof and independent, cause you know she doesnt mean it.

Jakey is next in a few days time, but dont tell him ok??? Shortie Pants will be last (but not least!) however you can see her already making the break from mum.

Charlie has been a little off colour with a slight bout of colic..nothing that a good amount of oil and a shot of Buscopan didnt fix! He is fine today...

My brother Neil is up spending some time with us over the weekend. It has been good to be able to spend some time with him. It's also good to be able to be silly and laugh at the odd things that we both find amusing! It always brings to mind a time when Neil and I went up to the Gold Coast for a break for a long weekend. We went out to dinner with some friends (I think there were about 8 of us), and Neil and I found something very amusing about something - its just one of those things that you just had to be there... lets just say we were in hysterics while everyone was sitting around the table looking blankly and wondering what the hell we were going on about. I think it must be a McDonald thing!

Apart from that all is well here at Massie Lodge. Except the fact that there is no rain!

What's that?

I have no idea.


My boy, Jakey. With his sore foot.... i think it hurt us more with the vet bill than him???? lol Posted by Hello

Very slowly Mr Charlie Farley is getting there.... for such a strapping big colt, he is a very quiet boy that respects and loves his dad. This boy will grow up to be a very very tall fellow me thinks, lets hope that he finds a good owner. Posted by Hello



Yep, its April - she really is a pretty young thing and will be a big girl when she grows up. Posted by Hello

Short Pants at the front. April to the left (look for the white socks!) and Caramel following April... Ahh to be young! Posted by Hello

Monday, April 25, 2005


adj. 1. unreasonably obstinate; obstinately perverse. 2. fixed or set in purpose or opinion (no not Helenl). 3. obstinately maintained, as a course of action; a stubborn resistance. 4.hard to detal with or manage. 5. hard, tough, or stiff, as stone or wood - stubbornly, adj. -stubbornness, n. 6. Caramel (daughter of Moon Rocket and Havachat).


The Borg Drone captures the Enterprise's Captain, Jon Luc Picard as directed by the Borg Collective and takes him to their hive on Deck 16 of the Enterprise. The head of the Borg Queen flies down from the roof attached to wires where she joines up with the rest of her body on the ground.

"You will never take the Enterprise" spits our hero, Jon Luc.

"Resistance is Futile my dear Captain" She smiles.

2 hours later, Caramel accepts that the much maligned blue halter is her destiny and gives in the fight.

I wonder where she gets THAT temperament from? Her father? Or her mother?



ARE YOU ALRIGHT DAD? The 2 girls are a little concerned about Evan who has by now had quite enough. Posted by Hello

Bloody Hard Work. Both Caramel and Evan have just about had it. Posted by Hello

"FORWARD YOUNG CARAMEL!!" April stands very still while watching Caramel learn her ABC's with Evan. Posted by Hello

Resistance is Futile.... not entirely happy here with Evan! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


has been weaned. Caramel (By Moon Rocket out of Havachat) left her mum's aprong strings on Saturday. To say that she wasnt happy about the new state of affairs would be a mild understatement! Hava went back to her mate Vera and new comer, Jules and promptly forgot about Caramel. We have been really pleased with the way Hava looked after Caramel, its like she was an old hand at the baby thing.

Caramel had a very bad night on Saturday. Sunday was a bit better. April didnt want to know about the racket! - Charlie tried to ignore it and Queenie didnt even bother with it. I have to admit that she was a lot calmer on Monday and we let her out Monday afternoon. Both Caramel and April are reluctant friends.

It makes me laugh really and I'll tell you why. In the ladies paddock, Hava is the boss of everyone (except Sweetie of course!) and tells Vera exactly where she can go and what she can do... yet in the weanlings area, April (Vera's daughter) is the boss of Caramel (Hava's bub) ... go figure that one out!?

Ozboy is next up on the weekend (and Iam sure that Caramel will be very pleased about that because they are firm friends!). Zandrea is the perfect mother to Oz and even at this late stage has no problems with him suckling, although he is getting way too tall to reach!

Meanwhile back in the Hospital Ward ..........

Queenie's abcess seems to have drained nicely (on her face) and the healing process is taking over. (Thank goodness says Evan as he is the one that had to jab her with an antibiotic in the rump - not much fun!). Am going to change tack with her feeding a bit so that I can get some good weight on her for the upcoming winter. She must have forgiven me (the draining process was quite an ordeal - as you can imagine and I wont go into the details all I will say is that there was alot of ooooze - YUK!) as I spent some time with her this afternoon trimming her forelock and her mane (she now sports a trendy straight forelock!). I think she has forgiven me for the big purple mark that I made on her grey face!

Jakey's leg (after a visit from Chris the vet) has been strapped and hopefully is on the mend. We have no idea how he cut it or where he did it. Little blighter! He is running around like he did nothing. Definitely attention seeking behaviour from our Better Boy!

Apart from that, all is normal (well what WE deem normal!). Hava quickly sorted out Jules and Vera and is leading her paddock (the dry girls) - Zandrea will join them next week.

Nanna and Sweetie are looking well down the back paddock and are rounding up nicely. Libby and Trousers will join them when we wean the Jakestar and Short Pants in the next few weeks.

Dopey and Summer are doing good down the back. Dopey has taken to having a swim every day and is completely covered in mud. Eric and Rusty are happy and fat. Missymoo, The Princess, Suzie and Sunny are still nice and rounded in Rosie's paddock. Lily and Lenny look like to hairy goats in their yard. It will be hard separating those two!

All we need is some rain - HAH!


Bessie Merle, sitting in shade while we run around and feed the horses... Posted by Hello

"Not now Ozzieboy, Im on the Phone - again" Posted by Hello

Im an OZZIE BOY! We are hoping that he has his mother's lovely temperament as he certainly has her head! Posted by Hello

Miss Short Pants (By Irish Royal out of Turkish Trousers) having a rest before the dinner RUSH! No flys on this young lady... she is her own woman! Posted by Hello


Caramel... she is the spit of her mother... except...... she has Daddy's nose! Just beautiful :-) Posted by Hello

Miss Caramel.... "Im A Big Girl Now.... although April still tells me off!" Had her first turn with a halter today... hmmm getting there... but not quite! Posted by Hello

Evan and his babies - Lily (By Private Agenda out of Splendid Feeling) and Lenny (By Kinjite out of Sweet Air) Posted by Hello

Queenie, Queenie Who's Got The Ball??? This is Queen of Ziar sporting a purple patch where we drained a huge abcess. Please note the trendy haircut! She's a good old girl is Queenie. Posted by Hello

WHO SAY'S IM TOO BIG FOR THIS??? Enjoy it matey, have we got a new deal for you! (SShhh, dont tell Ozboy ok?) Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 10, 2005

She has a beautiful head on her and is very upright.... very nice :-) Welcome to Massie Lodge Jules! Posted by Hello

Introducing........... Jules ("Summer Morn" by Zedative out of Summer Sunrise). A very nice looking mare, very much like her dad - no that's Evan in the picture Posted by Hello



Jules (AKA "Summer Morn" - by Zedative out of Summer Sunrise) arrived at Massie Lodge last night and will be staying with us for the long term..... got to find her a husband..... well a date at least. Having had a look at her pedigree, thought that perhaps someone like Legal Opinion, Mr. Innocent or perhaps even Canadian Silver. Jule's owner lives in Brisbane and bought her at the MM monthly sale last week.

She's a lovely girl, nice and quiet and is not sure about her new roomy, Vera (Ophira)... we have moved them all around again.... with Hava and Caramel and Zandrea and Ozman all moved into a paddock of their own getting ready for weaning.

April is a different girl. I worked her this morning and she is just beautiful and so intelligent and very responsive.

Evan and I will have the afternoon off, and just relax and enjoy some peace and quiet.


Helen :-)

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

April was bending, turning and leading after Leo had taught her that she need not be frightened. Posted by Hello

Charles Farley looks on while April gets her training Posted by Hello

"Queenie" (Queen of Zair) up in the hospital paddock for some special tlc after a paddock accident -note the purple spray on the right of her face Posted by Hello