Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Where Are They Now?

Its always a bright spot in any breeders life when they hear good news about the horses that they have brought into the world.

Last night we heard from the owner of both Lenny (Rattle the Till) and Jakey (Hidden Loot) and got the good news that Lenny ran second in his first trial at Narromine last weekend.

Jakey, while running fourth in his trial, pulled up shin sore and has gone back out into the paddock.

Lenny will now go on to the Broken Hill meeting in a few weeks.

I know what you are thinking... Broken Hill! No! It doesnt matter where a horse runs as long as they are healthy, happy and are given an opportunity to have a go. These two boys are very lucky to be with Rodney Robb (trainer) and their owner just dotes on the two boys.

I always thought that Lenny had "something" as long as he was given the chance to mature into his body and more importantly, his head!!

Hmm. Mother of Lenny, Sweetie - who is very happy down the back paddock getting fat might be going back to the breeding barn this year!

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Well, here goes for my first attempt with photobucket.... lets hope it works ok!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Bessie Merle and her Pups

Bessie Merle

Ruby (looking very much like mum)

Rain, Rain and some more Rain!

We have been very lucky over the last few days to have had over 70 mls of rain. To say that all the dams and tanks are looking healthy are an understatement! Mind you, we are a little bit muddy and we have had to cancel Adam and Eric because of the wet.

Some pics of the residents ....

Meggsie and Evan

Ballasario (Balls)

Another Southern (Southern) and Why For Not (Nottie)



(Not so) Wee Jimmy

Joie .. looking nice and plump

Miss Trixie

What colour am I again?

Miss Daisy (waking up)