Sunday, May 27, 2007

Bits and Pieces

Yes, I know... Iam well aware its been a little bit since I have sat down and chewed the fat on the blog. Its been fairly hectic (which is normal pace around here!), and we have had visitors coming and going, Monika the vet and Adam the farrier, both visiting on a regular basis.

The main thing is that all residents are well, the humans are adapting to the cold mornings (barely) and the canines have been "digging in" and finding the warm spots in the house (mainly on the lounge with their doona).

There have been some coming and goings: Lenny and Jakey have been sold to an owner down in Dubbo and arrived there last week (I have been told that they were perfect first time travellers) and will be broken in as I write. I have a feeling that Jakey will be first cab off the rank as Lenny really was a baby in a man's body (lol)!

Buddy (Taimazov gelding) - or Budweiser to his friends (lol) has arrived back late last week from Paul Moody's and is having some R&R before travelling up North to realise his future. He is a lovely boy; really quiet and gentle.

Voodoo (Taimazov filly) - caught the same float back to Paul's place where she will get a good education and then will return to Massie Lodge for her R&R.

Harry (Imaged), has settled in well with Stephen Lowe and is going well. Rumour has it that he is just a quiet boy and has quickly earned the title of "Stable Favourite to ride"!

Mazwell, has settled in with Phil Quinnell after a bit of a shakey start. But from all reports has got into the daily rhythm of stable life and is with his good mate, Oscar (Tannerang Baluk), who is coming along "nicely".

Flossie (aka Fidgit), has also caught the float to Paul Moody's to be broken in. Her foot is standing up to work and Paul is quite pleased with her. She was really due to be broken in as well.

Rover (aka Kenny Kinjite) and Jimmy have settled in to paddock life together, with Rover being the boss... Jimmy such a quiet wee lad. Rover has a bit of a runny nose at the moment due to the cold snap, however, he is quickly growing his winter woolie coat to help him.

I am quite busy with working at Plaintree, but am loving every minute of it. I am lucky to be learning so much regarding breeding and the industry, like a pig in mud Iam!

Well, night has fallen at Massie Lodge and all the residents are fed, watered and content.

And so starts another week!

Helen & Evan.

Wee Jimmy trying to strike a pose, he is coming along nicely we think...

Evan with Dirty Girl, off on their daily walk. Yep, its long sleeve weather already.

Meggsie, who lives next to Shorts, alseep in the morning sun.

We were lucky to have Susie Black and Cecelia visit us a few weeks ago; Spikey-man in dog heaven on the back verandah with Ceelie.

The very handsome Buddy, just back from Paul Moody's late last week.

Being Isabell and Lucy (Part IV)

It only seems like yesterday when these two young girls were born (they are 2 nights that we wont forget: Libby because of the ease that she had Isabell and the fact that Isabell tried to kick Evan when she was only an hour or so old (!) and Sweetie because of the difficulty that she had with her big filly foal, Lucy. If it hadnt been for Monika and her swiftness with pain relief for Sweetie, we're not sure where we would be today).

They have both been a joy to rear and now that they are nearly "young ladies" (yearlings, lol), its time for their learning to take different paths.

We have decided (drum roll if you please....), that Lucy is for sale (Lucy is by Pure Theatre and is the more commercial of the two) and that Isy will stay with us as she is a true colonial girl.

So, Lucy's learning path is a little different to Isy's, she is now being taught to lunge and is coming along in leaps and bounds so far. Evan has been doing Lucy's training behind the house and as you will see in the short video (please excuse the quality, its the daggy camera) , gets a "little" upset when Lucy gets out of her sight (but my look at that beautiful canter on Isy).

Both girls have lovely gaits, with Lucy the more fluid movement that just floats above the ground.

The news from Adam after the latest feet trim is that both girls have great feet, which is half the battle.

Me and my dad after "training" - always cuddles after everything we do.

Lucy and Evan, "training". Evan is just waving his hand behind Lucy and while she sort of understands what he is asking, the penny hasnt quite dropped yet - plenty of time for that.

"Lucy, Lucy - WHERE ARE YOU??????"

Young Maxwell - Doing Good Up North

One of the hardest things to do when you are a breeder is to actually "sell" what you breed and to cut the ambilical cord that has been securely attached to both Evan and I since birth.

There is always that element of sadness when they are loaded up on the truck and go off on their new and exciting adventure; I guess its the same when one of your children grows up and decides that its time to leave home and go out into the big, wide wonderful world.

It is, however, always exciting to see "our babies" being registered and then being assigned a trainer.... for example little Ozzieman (Dodge / Zandrea) who is now called "Maimon" and Caramel, our troubled Moon Rocket filly out of Havachat has now been named "Little Rocket" and has been given to a trainer in Dalby.

The same can be said of young Maxwell (pictured above, photos courtesy of Maxes dad Greg), who has been named "Circuit City" and as you can see is doing very well at his new digs up North Queensland.

What a lovely young man he is growing up to be; I know that his new family adore him and it certainly makes Evan and I smile to see him to well and happy.

Go get em Maxwell!

Helen & Evan
(P.S. to Maxwell: I think Jimmy misses you matey!)

Monday, May 14, 2007


My life has been a tapestry
Of rich and royal hue;
An everlasting vision
Of the ever-changing view;
A wond'rous woven magicI
n bits of blue and gold;
A tapestry to feel and see;
Impossible to hold.

- Carole King

What is it about having a birthday that makes you want to sit and reflect on the life you have already lived?

Is it because you want to go through the “files” and see what has transpired over the years and to ponder over the memories?

Or is it because you want to do some mental “housekeeping” and start throwing out all the bits of garbage that you have mentally stored away for a rainy day (rainy day? hah!) in case it was going to be important?

I don’t know about you, but I seem to get reflective on the days leading up to my birthday – I wonder about all the things that could have been; all the things that shouldn’t have been. I think of all the people who have passed through my life, some have stayed, some have been and moved on, and some have sadly passed on.

My life has been a rich tapestry so far… I was blessed with wonderful parents and family who at times have tested the levels of my patience (of which I have little). Sadly both my mum and dad have passed; still I have 3 older brothers who remind me constantly where my roots have come from. May it continue to weave such a rich and wonderous creation.

I have been blessed to have found Evan and for him and I to live our idyllic life style at Massie Lodge. We have the canines, the equines and not to forget lastly the birds that seem to have lived a very long time.

Not everyone gets the chance, or should I say “takes” the chance to live their dream; so I am lucky.

You know, perhaps turning 43 isn’t so bad after all. Sure there are a few lines on the face, the body has changed a bit since I was a 21 year old, but I am healthy, I am happy with my lot in life. Not everyone chooses to live their dream – but we have and for that I am blessed.

Step up to the plate, take a huge almighty swing – give it your best shot. Sounds a bit like life to me!


Sunday, May 13, 2007

Australian Thoroughbred Watch is Back!

Just when you thought it was safe to surf the net, Australian Thoroughbred Watch has resurfaced as part of the revamped Gallopers Australia Wide Bloodstock site.

To find ATW either go through
Gallopers, click to the right of this blog ( ->) or save this URL Australian Thoroughbred Watch into your favourites!

Helen & Evan.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Adam - Round 1!

We were both up bright and early this morning (urgh no sleep in!) as Adam was due over first thing to start the next round of trims, shoe removals etc. for the Massie Lodge Residents.

First on the list were Lenny and Jakey who were both well behaved young men. Both Lenny and Jakey will be leaving Massie Lodge next week to start the next part of their life and hopefully become racehorses. We will both miss the two boys who were born and reared with us. The good news is that both boys will continue to be together at their new home in Dubbo, NSW.

Young filly, Voodoo was next on the list and was not quite sure about Adam, however, once she got into the groove, she behaved quite well.

After Voodoo came Meggsie who needed her shoes off and her fronts trimmed. She was just a quiet darling. Her temperament is just so sweet. (See Video below).

Flossie, in anticipation of going to Paul Moody's next week to be broken in had her front shoes removed and all 4 feet trimmed. Adam was very happy with the way her near front had come together after her accident. Without Monika and Adam, Floss would not be ready to start the next phase of her life.

Harry and Maz (pictured above), were the last two for today. Both boys are heading off to their respective trainers in the next week or so; Harry to Stephen Lowe and Maz to Phil Quinnell at Balina.

Both Evan and I are thrilled with the level of response that we have had for Maz; however, there is still room for more people to take part in his preparation down with Phil.


Miss Meggsie getting her tootsies trimmed this morning. Her temperament is sweet and she will soon be rooming with Voodoo ....

Probably not the best after shot (if there is any mud around, this filly will find it!); however, the foot has all heeled up and Floss no longer requires shoes on her fronts as the foot has grown substantially. Many thanks to Monika and Adam - without them, Floss would not have a chance to get to the racetrack.
The very handsome young Harry (aka Imaged), getting his toes trimmed by Adam this morning.

"Maybe I can just have a little snooze while all of this is going on..."

".... This foot ...

... that foot ...."

"How long until we are finished Evan? "

"Oh Dirty Girl, I just had the worst experience...


To our latest new arrival. "Meggsie" a Desert Sun yearling illy who came up from Melbourne late last Wednesday night (around 8pm!). She is very sweet and has a very gentle nature; should be interesting when she meets her new roomy, Voodoo in the next week or so!

Helen & Evan.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Heavy Horse Exhibition at Yangan, Queensland

While most of us think that the whole world revolves around the Thoroughbred Industry, we took time out on Sunday to go and have a look at the Heavy Horse Exhibition Charity Day at Yangan - in aid of Care Flight.

These guys are just awesome in real life; gentle giants of the land that seem to keep on keeping on and do the work that man continues to ask without question or misbehaving.

The highlight of the day for me was the 10team: 10 Clydesdales hitched up along side each other, ploughing a huge field.... it was just awesome!

In these days of modern technology and hight tech machinery, it was amazing to see how these gentle giants of the land got the job done, without any fuss or fuel!

It was certainly very hard not to slip one in the back of the car on the way out!

Helen & Evan.

The hardest part with orgainising a 10-team was the

.. harnessing them all up together, but when done ..

Off they went, 10 abreast in a trail of dust!

Just awesome!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

The Dirty Girl on the Move

Its been a long haul for the Dirty Girl and her rehabilitation since her tendon accident.

She is now at the stage where she is being taken for a short walk each day by Evan down the back and around the alleyway, and back again - stopping for a short, choice pick at the green grass (what's that?) around the water tank at the top of the alleyway.

It's amazing how the horses who are next to her rely on her quiet steady company - Voodoo (the Taimazov filly), has really bonded with Dirty and becomes quite upset when she leaves her view. Maz, who is on her other side, walks down to the other side of his yard and watches her whole outing, just waiting for her to return.

Hopefully soon, the next stage will be to put her in a yard that is a little bit bigger than where she is currently.

She gave us all a scare last weekend with what we thought was a tummy upset. Thank goodness Monika was only a call away to come and see what was going on with her.

Helen & Evan.

Being Isabell (Part III)

Part of the job rearing Weanlings is not only to educate them; introduce them to hopefully all of the things that they will come across in their life time but to let them develop into their own little "beings" without stress of bullies or badies.

Both of these things are part of our job here at Massie Lodge. We have found that if we introduce them to as many things as possible as part of an ongoing learning process - making sure that it isnt a horrible experience that will scar them in later life - then we have done our job.

Each day Lucy and Isy get taken around the "obstacle course" around the house. Isy just seems to take all the different things in her stride - Lucy is a little more confronted by new things. Still, there's nothing wrong with that.

They are both starting to develop into their own little personalities. Isabell has shown us how sensible and calm she is with the different things she tackles on her way to becoming a champion (!!). Luce has shown us the most amazing fluid movements ... she has something....

Just love those girls.

Helen & Evan.