Saturday, May 29, 2010

I know that its been a while since I have updated the blog... and its not that i dont want to, its mainly because that leisure time, or time to be able to sit still and think about what's going on around the place, is limited. We always seem to be rushing here and there, or doing something around the property - its always something!

Evan has resurrected into something that he wants, something that he wants to contribute to and Im happy to say that there are lots of people out there who are interested in what he has to say about the racing industry. And its not just his "gallopers good thing" that seems to nearly be a certainty on the day..... he seems to see things the way that they are, without any crap - which I think people always appreciate. Its great about the free tips, problem is that I forget to do something about it. Lol.

Gallopers has moved away from being just a tried horse site - its a thoroughbred racing road map giving its readers a way to make money out of punting on horses.

Not only that, Gallopers is a forum for all sports (NRL, ARL and Football) - with well known contributors each week giving their ideas on their areas of expertise.

It certainly has evolved into something terrific and Im very proud of him.

Next on the list of things to do, is the resurrection of the Massie Lodge site.

Iam currently working with some good friends on a new, revamped site - and as you can imagine, Rome was not built in a day and I want the new site to be everything that we are. Ill keep you posted as to how Im going. Phew!

We also have a new iron in the fire ... and Im not going to tell you yet... but what I can say is that Iam very excited about the future and the direction its taking.

Bring it on I say!!!

Well, this weekend is ours ... we have had 22ml of rain, and while the place is a bit of a bog, its all good. If the weather improves tomorrow then its outside to take some photos of the horses with the new toy .... I just love my birthday present!!!

Ruby has parked herself on the bed in front of the log fire. Matilda is trying to co-erce her to move (without much success I might add). Pikey is under the table at my feet with my ugg boot. Bessie Merle is on the lounge, in her spot. Evan has just come out of the study after updating his site for tomorrow. Home made pizza is on the menu tonight with a Margaret River white. MMmmmmm.

You wouldnt be dead for quids would you?

Angel Grows Up

It only seems like yesterday when little Angel was born late in December 09. Gossips in her ordered manner rolled once and then rolled again and delivered the sweet wee angel at 7.30am one morning.

Time certainly has flown by and now Angel is being broken in and after that will be on her way up North to start her racing career with her half brother, Jackie Lee (aka Rattus Conatus) - who has just started out in his.

Its always sad to see them go, especially when we have had such a hand in bringing them up.

Run fast little girl, run fast.

Jimbo ...

How do you get inside a horse's head and find out what the hell is going on?

After Jimmy's incident at Cairns where he reared up and went backward over the winner's stall things have been not so good for the boy.

Sweating up, being unruly etc etc .... making life difficult and unsafe for everyone who handles him has meant a life change and a change of owners for young Jimmy.
We still have kept our interest in him and our other partner in Jimmy is also keen for him to try another trainer to see if we can find out whats going on in his nut.

Otherwise Jimmy will be coming home to Massie Lodge where he will live with Mazwell looking after the little ones when required.

I guess that's racing.


It's amazing what you find when you start cleaning up. I had to .... I just had to do something about the state of the study and I was glad that I did when I came across these photos that were sent to us by Maz's trainer, Phil Quinnell. They are just awesome.

These days, darling Maz and his girlfriend of the moment, Daisy, are down the back paddock in charge of keeping the grass down.

Maz is a Massie Lodge institution and will always have a home with us.

Creds Has Her Baby

Former Massie Lodge resident, Credentials - affectionately known as Creds - had her Sunday Knight Foal late last year and we were thrilled to get some photos and an update on her recently by her owner.

Creds, who is now in foal to Felix the Cat, is having some success with one of her current foals at the racetrack - Sir Qualified.

We wish Creds' owners , The Teagles, all the best with their new addition.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010


Im a little bit excited.

I have won a photographic contest with this photo of my dear Pikey Man. And while I didnt win 000's of dollars, I won a great book!

I have always loved this photo for many reasons: the way the sun shines on Pikey, the way he is just relaxing, waiting for me and that it shows the essence of him.

I still cant believe it!