Sunday, October 31, 2010


Sometimes just standing and watching you will see the most amazing things. This was one of those moments. No matter how shitty your day is, seeing a butterfly do it's thing always makes you feel better.

Miss Pip

The very beautiful Miss Pip (Epiphany) - 19 years young. She's my gal.

Do You Ever Get Sick Of ....

Mother Nature's Best Show On Earth .... and it's completely free!

I know that I dont.


I was a bit sceptical about reading this book but when I started ROOM, I couldnt put it down. Room is like nothing else you have ever read. If you get the chance, read it. It is a great read.

Welcome to the World...

Dirty (Dirtiere) had her Easy Rocking foal on Thursday morning at 5 past midnight. It was one of those births that you read about in a text book. She did everything right - and Rocky (her brand new Colt), also continued to do everything right. He' s a real sweetie and Johnny the Vet also "oooh'd" and "aaaaaah'd" - this is one well put together little boy.

Meanwhile, Miss Pip in the next paddock has been standing looking over the fence at the new addition with a longing that is quite sad to watch. I have continually toyed with the idea of getting her back into foal and I have to keep remembering that she will be 20 next year - and when is enough, enough????

We are blessed to have Harry - who is doing everything right at the moment while being broken in. Craig has said that Harry "will go". We also have Pixie Lix - who is quietly growing up in the paddock with her mates, Maz and Poss. Pix is not a glamour like Harry (in fact she downright ugly at the moment), however, she is one of the best bred fillies on the property and she is sweet. Miss Pip has certainly done herself proud with her 2 Connie kids and 8 foals in 1 lifetime is enough - don't you think?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Here I am, 6 days into not having a job and how do I feel? To be perfectly honest I am happy that I dont have to put on a fake persona for 8 hours a day anymore. I dont even know if I liked the job - I guess because it was near to home it was convenient and the fact that I could come home for lunch each day made it easy to front up each day and go through the motions.

Its actually taken me a few days to get over what happened - going through the whole gambit of emotions - but you know what, at day 6 Im starting to get my head back together. Lots of love and thankyou to Evan, my big bro Neil, Sooz and Heather for being my voices of reason and sanity - you are all very dear to me.

So - onward and upward. Now to pull my finger out and get Crazy Horse Marketing up and running.

Ruby's Afternoon Nap

Hello and Goodbye ...

Welcome to new Massie Lodge resident, Nick (unnamed Niello Gelding) who has come to Massie Lodge for some R&R after his first preparation.
The beautiful Nippa (below) has been sold and has now departed Massie Lodge. What a beautiful mare she is! I have to say that I thought about buying her ... seriously..... but the timing just wasnt right with me losing my job.


.... meanwhile little Herman is quietly growing up (and learning how to bite!)


Waiting, waiting, Waiting .... not long to go.


What can I say about Harry? After waiting, waiting, waiting for him to get to a point in his maturity so that we could break him in ... here we are. I think we have another racehorse on our hands. Thanks Craig, you're doing a great job with the boys!


What a star Buster has turned out to be - after just 3 days Craig has had him out riding like an old campdrafter. He just seems to do it ...

Monday, October 18, 2010

Educating Harry

Much to their annoyance, its time to break both Harry (pictured) and Buster (the Conatus boys) in - no more lazying about their paddock doing nothing but eating and chatting up the ladies!

Craig Belford is doing the job and what a steller job he is doing! Stay tuned to watch their progress.


I never thought that I would get close again to a dog like I was with Jack - I have to say that Pikey certainly has become a special person in my world.

Jimbo ... Next Installment

Charters Towers - Class 4 over 1100m. WINNER!! Next stop the TAB meetings.


Eat Pray Love

I wasnt quite sure what to expect when I picked up this book. I found the book to be a pretty personal account of a woman who had lost her way and needed to make some pretty dramatic changes in her life to get her life back on track.

I did enjoy it and it certainly made me stop and think about my life. Im now reading the next installment, Committed - which so far has not captured my imagination at all.

I think that if you are a woman you need to read Eat Pray Love.

Monday, October 04, 2010

Can Someone Tell Me What is Going On With My Mum?

Adam came over last week to start the round of trims again and young Herman was most intrigued by what was going on with his mum. His feet dont require anything at the moment, however, we will get him going in the near future with his first trim.

A Man and his Dog

Evan and Ruby ... off to do some work

The Condamine