Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Word has it that Bob (Centenn) is training the track down and won his first barrier trial in fine style for Kaye T. His first start will be in a few weeks time. Go Bob!!! Posted by Picasa

Don't you love this boy's face? Not a sign of malice or bad temper in Oscar's eyes...  Posted by Picasa

I meant to post these pictures of Oscar yesterday, but I forgot... which happens all the time at the moment because Iam trying to do too many things at once! If ever a horse was fair of temperament, it's Oscar. I do wish him well and hope that we will see him again. :) Posted by Picasa

Monday, June 26, 2006

Willkommen Zu Einer anderen Woche An der Massie Hütte!!

Welcome to another week at Massie Lodge, where we are staging Round 2 of the World Cup. As you can see, Lenny, (pictured above), star striker for Massie Lodge is in fine form and is going into Round 2 in tip top shape (apart from the size of his stomach!).

Life is still revolving around the World Cup with Evan keeping the most insane hours. And me? Im still trying to do 50,000 things at once and still work at Telstra. lol

Oscar, Tannerang Baluk, left today to go to Bluey Cowell's stables at Ipswich. Funny how you get attached to some of them... Oscar was such a sweet boy... I will miss him around the place. Joseph has moved out of the hospital paddock and into the yard previously occupied by Oscar - goodness knows how he will react to Lenny and Jakey, still it will be good for him to have some boyish company next door.

One of the things that I have been working on today is a news release for Freestone Valley View. St. Pirian, by Danehill out of Duchy of Cornwell will be standing alongside Irish Royal and Kbenjar this season. More news later (when I finish the press release!). Evan and I will be visiting Freestone Valley View on Friday, so we will be getting photos and releasing them on the blog over the weekend. St. Pirian will be offering speed, speed and more speed, so it will be a good mix with the other 2 boys.

Iam sitting here in the study. I can hear Evan snoring in the background. I have Spikey-man curled up under the desk; Bessie Merle is in front of the heater. Lancey is guarding the door and Millsie is behind the heater. Life is Good.

Go The Aussies!


Saturday, June 24, 2006

"Look at my tummy now!!" Evan with Oscar  Posted by Picasa

"Now Evan come here and let me tell you a story about Oscar in the next paddock...." Evan and Joseph Posted by Picasa

... and a hug for Joseph..... Posted by Picasa

"Let me lean on your shoulder Evan...." Joie and Evan Posted by Picasa

"What the hell is he doing ????" "Oh its not so bad... its just a hug!" Evan and Joie Posted by Picasa

A rose between 3 thorns? Shortpants (left), Flossie (right), Joie (background) Posted by Picasa

Shortpants.... what a stomach! lol Posted by Picasa

"Let me kiss you ..... " Flossie and Evan getting close! lol Posted by Picasa

Evan and Flossie girl - a work in progress and progressing nicely Posted by Picasa

Maxwell ... every inch the boss in the paddock. Posted by Picasa

"AAAw Dad....." Evan and Billy (our orphan foal by Canadian Silver out of Splendid Feeling). Posted by Picasa

Evan and Billie with Jimmy looking on.... Posted by Picasa

Chores We Hate To Do...

I can come at doing most of the chores about the place without much of a problem... some I need to muster a little more enthusiasm than others (I let Evan, pictured above, do the pooh round... he does it so well!!) ... folding the washing, ironing, scrubbing out the water bowls however, something that I have absolutely no patience for is repairing horse rugs. So what did I need to do today that couldnt wait? Repair Joseph's rug that he had tore an almighty rip in.

Iam by no means a sewer. In fact, I remember quite vividly my mother putting me in front of her Singer sewing machine many years ago and patiently trying to teach me how to use it. This was an exercise in futility and used to cause her no end of frustration mainly because it was something that I just didnt want to do and wouldnt pay attention.

These days if our clothes need repairing, they get replaced. lol

However, today I sat down on the ground and patiently blanket stitched Joseph's rug and boy did I hate every single minute of it! I was told by Evan that it was a good lesson in patience for me (as I have very little), and lucky for him he was passing by me at the time because I would of thrown the bloody thing at him!!!

I am happy to report that I finished the job and passed the patience test with flying colours. lol

Massie Residents

Oscar had his third and final EMIT Therapy session on Friday and will be going back into work next week, to which trainer Iam not sure. Its amazing how much weight he has put on since being here... not always a good thing for a horse in the middle of a preparation, still, we needed to sort out where his problem was.

Joseph will move out of the hospital paddock next week and into the paddock next to the house (where Oscar is). Iam sure that he will give the 2 boys (Lenny and Jake) lots of cheek when he moves in.

Shortpants and Flossie are doing very well together - each girl having a big tummy!

Joie keeps a good eye on the 2 younger girls next door and doesnt take any crap from them.

TeeCee has left Massie Lodge and has now gone to Townsville. Go gett'em boy!

The 5 canines (and two humans) are all tired of Bessie Merle and her season. It seems that Bess has set her sights on Spikey-man ..... even though he is desexed. Poor Lance is not getting a look in.

With the World Cup on, Massie Lodge is no longer is running on Australian time but on German time with Evan rearranging his sleeping patterns to fit in most of the second round of games. I have to say that I dont mind getting up to watch the Aussie's .. however I can give the others a miss.

I have to admit that Iam rather tired after working 4 days last week at Telstra. I think the thing that is frustrating me the most about working (and its not the customers!), is driving home at night with people not knowing how to operate their high beam while driving. It must be a Queensland thing.

On that note, time for me to go and get dinner so that Evan can get to bed by 730pm. I can see a night of DVDs coming up for me.



P.S. Dont forget to visit - Australian Thoroughbred Watch!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Doesn't Everyone Like....

Happy Endings?

We have had a very happy ending for our retiree "Shore". After speaking with many people and seeing even more, we finally found the right person for Shore and the right home where he will be loved and spoiled rotten for the rest of his life. Shore will be going to a property at Killarney at the end of the week with his new owner, Wendy.

AAAwwww.... Now that makes me happy.

Sometimes it just takes a little patience and the right home is found....

Zandrea is settling in well at her new home and went for a long trail ride yesterday - both her new owner, Greg, and Zandrea, had a great time.

Just because these horses have finished with racing and breeding it doesnt mean its the end of their life, in fact it should be the start of a new life, rather than just left in a paddock.

Another cold day here at Massie lodge where the wind feels like it is coming off the ice caps... Brrr. Today, after a long night watching 2 soccer games, Evan and I went into town and had brunch at a local cafe and enjoyed every morsel. On to get some horsefeed and then home to get inside out of the wind.

(Matilda did offer to take the ute with the feed around to the feed shed with Spikeyman on top when we got home, but we thought that Matilda might have other ideas for Spikey... pictured above!).

I have decided to have the night off from updating the blogs and the websites ... there is a good movie on TCM, with the fire crackling in the background - that sounds a bit of alright to me!

Hooroo until tomorrow!


Sunday, June 18, 2006

My girl, Bessie Merle ... keeping pretty close to mum during her season. Posted by Picasa

Spikey ... sniffing the breeze Posted by Picasa

Millie ... in her full winter coat.... she does have eyes you know. Posted by Picasa

Helen and part of the canine family.... Bessie Merle, Lancey and Spikey-man..... I can tell you that it was blowing a gale  Posted by Picasa

Trousers getting stuck into her rather large biscuit of hay - God love her :-) Posted by Picasa

Billy and Max share a feed before Jimmy comes along and does "cups up" Posted by Picasa

Jakey and his long flowing mane.... no scissors are allowed near it! lol Posted by Picasa


really had a wintery feel about it. So much so that it was very hard to move myself out of bed (after my cup of tea) and go out into the cold, cold snow and feed the horses.

Not exactly the cold, cold snow... but it was close enough! The wind was howling and it felt like it had come straight off the ice caps. Not exactly the sort of day that makes you want to jump out of bed and get into the chores.

It was way too cold to take the jamys off Oscar and Joseph. Even Millie had to think twice about going outside for morning consitutional and she has a full winter coat on! Bessie Merle is still miserable and is in the middle of her season. (I did offer to give her a hot water bottle for her tummy!) Lancy continues to follow her around and not let her out of his sight.... but does that mean he will be able to do the deed? I have no idea. lol I can only hope that he has inherited some of his dad's enthusiasm for bitches in season! lol

Meanwhile Evan planned his day so that he could tire himself out and go to bed by 7.30pm so that he could get up and watch the soccer (2am) and play in a poker tournament at 4am. So, it was down to the back paddock to chop some wood for the next few days, pick up a couple of bales of hay (that were nice big tightly packed bales). By 7pm he had had enough and went to bed.

During all of this the Gallopers hotline continued to ring and I fielded all the calls for Shore.

I turned both the mobiles off at 8pm. LMAO

I did spend some time today with the yearlings - Jakey, Lenny, Shortcake and Flossie are all doing really well, considering that we are right into winter and there isnt much grass to be had at all. They all have nice big round tummies and a nice winter coat. Flossie and Jake are developing warty bits around their mouth which is cute. Shortcake reminds me of her mother in many ways (minus the windsucking!). Jake has the same head as Libby (poor Jakey!) and Lenny has the long straight nose of Sweetie and of course the near hind motley coloured hoof (of which Jimmy shares).

Spikey-man continues to settle into life here with us at Massie Lodge - it seems like he has been here with us always!

Well enough waffling from me. Time to go and put my feet up and watch Enterprise. (I think Iam addicted to it!).

P.S. Dont forget to keep up to date with all the news at Australian Thoroughbred Watch!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

"Ok ok, I know that strap goes there and this strap goes under my belly.. crikeys, this is going of for hours....." Posted by Picasa