Saturday, December 30, 2006

2006 / 2007 - Scary!

This last week has gone by in a real hurry and I have enjoyed my week off just relaxing and catching up with myself but what a shock to be faced with the end of the year already. Actually, if the truth be known, Iam quite happy for the end of this year to come around so that we can get on with a brand new year.

I dont normally indulge in new year resolutions, however, Iam going to with 2007 and will make sure that I actually do something about them for a change. What are they? Well, you will have to wait until 2007 to find out!

Christmas was a very relaxing occasion for us as we went over to our neighbours and indulged in lots of food and drink that lasted until about 10pm, and then we had to negotiate to get through Oscar's paddock to get home (which was an interesting feat in itself!).

Today sees a new arrival at Massie Lodge with Stars O' Gold (pictured above) arriving for a 4 week holiday before heading off to his new trainer. Talk about an impressive looking boy ... who seems to have made friends with his next door neighbour, Oscar already. The Dirty Girl is none too impressed about that as Oscar is her close companion and she really doesnt want to share him with anyone!

All residents are doing very well, despite the lack of rain (has anyone seen any lost rain about?) and our 2 babies, Isabell and Lucy are growing up quickly and have realised that its every filly for themselves at feed time with both mums trying to control how close they get to the feed bins. I can see that Sweetie is getting pretty sick of sharing her feed with Lucy, however, Lucy has sorted out her mum by continually moving around to get closer to the feed. Isabell does not have the patience of Lucy and goes off and gets into the hay before the 2 mums get stuck into that as well.

Adam will be due back in the next week to take of Stars' shoes and to start the trimming process again with Sweetie and Libby first cabs off the rank.

Time for me to go and join Evan in the living room but before I go, we would like to wish everyone a very safe and joyous new year filled with lots of love and happiness. See you in 2007!


Stars looking checking out his new digs for the next 4 weeks

One (Shorts) has to look one's best and the current trend is to pose against the fence ...

... So will I (Dirty Girl)

... So will I (Trousers) - Is this my best side?

.... So will I (Joie) and wait till I take a breath in (are you sure Iam not pregnant?) ....

.... so will I (Flossie) if I can manage to get my head over the gate

Sunday, December 24, 2006

T'was The Night Before Christmas.....

Well its the day before and at least all has been quiet here at Massie Lodge, so much so that we decided to take off into Allora to find a pub open for Christmas Eve lunch so that we could have a few quiet drinks and sit and relax.

All the Massie Lodge residents geared themselves up today for their yearly Christmas photos to send to their owners (lol, it reminded me of when I was in school and every year you had those dreaded class photos, yuk!) and we're happy to announce that all residents were very willing to partake in this year's photos except for Trousers and Joie who were too busy down in the dam to make the effort. Oh, not forgetting Vera who swiftly told Evan to "move on...." (but not in those words) and that there was NO WAY that she would lower herself to be pictured in a funny red hat!!

However, in saying that, all the other young residents were more than happy to accommodate, except for Maxwell who didnt DO Santa hats and resolved to wear some silver tinsel instead!!

I think the Massie Lodge Award for Cuteness in a Santa Hat must go to Bessie Merle (Pictured above), who is just too cute for words and more than accommodating in wearing the hat! Runner Up goes to the Dirty Girl who just looked a picture in her bow and hat! Best Behaved Santa goes to Oscar, who was just a very good boy. The Massie Lodge Award for Mischief whilst Wearing Christmas Decorations must go to Maxwell, who thought that the silver tinsel looked appetising and wanted to lick it. AAArgh!

Well its nearly that Day again, a day that should be spent with family and enjoying their company, .... We shall be spending Christmas Day with our next door neighbours, Jo and Leo Roche who have seen us through all the good and bad times this year. Joining us also will be Monika, our vet, who has become a good friend to us.

Once again, we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a safe and joyous 2007 filled with peace, harmony and many winners.

Helen & Evan.

Me with Bessie Merle and Christmas Spikey-man (and his soccer ball)... after losing both Lancey and Millie, both Bess and Spikey are my constant shadows.

"NO Matilda... that is MY glass of Champagne..." Matilda looking very hopeful at Wendy

The Spikey-man having a cuddle with Ceelie and Tiki in the kitchen

Miss Isabell with Susie Black and Tahnika

Lenny will now give you his back leg (and not try to kick you either!!).

Lenny after his work had a shower today, which he enjoyed so much ... not!

Jakey getting some leg lifting practice with Evan

A cuddle for Jakey after his "workout" this morning.

Christmas Elves, Jimmy and Maxwell ... with Evan

Santa's beautiful helper, the DirtyGirl...

Santa Oscar ..

Christmas Shorts!

Christmas Floss!

Young Flossie getting her front shoes on with Adam

Floss standing very still with her new front shoes on.

Friday, December 22, 2006

22nd December….

And counting!

It seems that Christmas is just about upon us once again and through some very inconvenient technical problems (like my computer giving up the ghost and spending a week in at the very nice man’s shop in Warwick), I haven’t been able to post on our blog.

However, all has changed and it is taking me ages to load up the website (Gallopers) and get it going again. You just never realise just how much you depend on on your C: drive until it’s not there.

It’s been a very busy and hectic few weeks for both Evan and I, with me working 4 days for the last 3 weeks and Evan having to cope with all the goings on at Massie Lodge. Let me see if I can remember what’s been happening…

We’re still waiting for rain (being our rainy season), although we have had some over the past few weeks which is always welcomed.

Evan is continuing to do well with PASS and all members will have come out at Christmas time with some extra spending money (even me!!). To have a look at the PASS Blog, click here.

Maddie and Joie

Are back with us after visiting Portland Player. Monika will be out today for their 16 day test and we will know whether the ladies are in foal or not.

Lenny and Jake

Our two troublesome 2 year olds have been brought up to the house stables so that they can have a refresher course on their manners after spending some time in the side paddock for the last few months. Its funny just how quickly they forget! Evan is trying to get Lenny to remember that he is a gelding and not a colt (and hasn’t been since he was a yearling!!) , although Lenny is too much like his father – lets hope he has some of his father’s ability!

Young Maxwell and Jimbo

Are also being reminded of their manners after getting their feet done and playing-up with Adam. Mind you, it didn’t help that Jake and Lenny were in the next paddock at that time. Lenny and Jake are not the world’s best influence on those young boys. So, along with Lenny and Jake, young Max are having a manners refresher course. Lucky Evan. LOL

Short Pants

Has grown up a treat since coming back from Paul Moody’s and has now been moved next to her mate Flossie in the first day yard.


Has the bandage off her foot and is wearing two front shoes to support the foot while it continues to heal. Flossie was a very good girl getting her shoes on with Adam.

Dirty Girl

Is not missing Joie or Maddie since they have been moved and is relishing the company of that very handsome boy Oscar who is due to return to work in the next few weeks. You can often see both Dirty Girl and Oscar standing side by side asleep … which is very cute.

Mind you, she doesn’t think much of Lenny!

Sweetie, Libby and Isabell and Lucy

Its funny watching these 2 families …. Sweetie and Lucy are a pretty tight unit and Lucy will not stray far from mum’s apron strings (which means that she will be very difficult to wean!!). Miss Isabell is quite happy to graze away from mum and be with Sweetie and Lucy and Libby doesn’t seem to miss Isabell very much at all. Isabell will be first cab off the rank to wean in the new year, however, both mares and babies are doing very well so there is no urgent rush to part company.

At feed time, Isabell is very much “her own woman” and will seek out the hay that Evan drops before Libby gets stuck into it and eats it in two seconds flat … Lucy however likes to eat with mum, that is when mum let’s her in. We have decided to introduce another feed bin into their paddock so that the young ladies can start becoming more independent at feed times.

Trousers and Vera

Are very happy thank you very much … nothing like windsucking on the steel fence first thing in the morning. Joie and Maddie have joined them down in the big paddock and its very interesting how the pecking order has changed with Joie and Vera vying for first spot!

Hopefully everything will be up and working on the weekend for me to post some photos of all the residents.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our clients for their support and wish all our friends a very merry Christmas, filled with lots of joy and happiness.

Helen & Evan.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Have you Hugged....

.... yes we have.... today was the official "Hug all the Massie Lodge Residents" day, where everyone was given a cuddle (whether they wanted it or not!) - mind you I had a lot of fun trying to cuddle Isabell and Lucy, particularly Lucy who is very timid and wont leave mum's apron skirt, not even for a cuddle! Isabell, is a different filly altogether, and she will seek out those who venture into her paddock and demands some attention. Both fillies are growing at a rate of knots and we're very pleased with both of them.

I let Evan hug the 2 young boys... Max (pictured above) is not very happy about the hug thing... however, got most upset when the attention turned to Jimbo (who enjoyed his cuddle) and then decided it wasnt too bad.

Shorts arrived back at Massie Lodge from Paul Moody on Thursday for much needed r&r after her education, which went very well indeed.

Oscar is showing some improvement after his EMT therapy which he had last week and will be having another treatment on Monday with Ralda.

Adam is due on Tuesday morning to trim the four boys (Max, Jimbo, Lenny and Jakey), trim the Diry Girl and to put front shoes on Floss - Iam sure that this will take the best part of Tuesday.

I have to say that after working 4 days, its great to be able to walk the paddocks and spend time with the horses ... ok, guilty as charged! Yes I have spent most of the weekend with the foals, just being with them and watching them. There is nothing like it and nothing I can compare it to. Some people might call it time wasting.... I dont.


Shorts having a hug with Evan.

Evan and the boys...

Evan with Sweetie ... I know I carry on about how bitchy, narcy, bossy and dominating she is but she has done a great job with her 3 foals so far and we wouldnt be without her..

Libby, Sweetie with their youngens, Lucy and Isabell

The very shy Miss Lucy (who is a half sister to Lenny and Jimbo) and is very unlike both of them in many ways.

The very precocious Miss Isabell who just got up after having a sleep.

Miss Isabell is a half sister to Jakey (out of Libby). She's just beautiful and I think Iam (we are!) very attached already! (hahaha)

Jakey.... 4th born of Libbys babies. Very much like Libby in looks, but has the sweet temperament of his father, Private Agenda.

The very handsome Lenny. First born of Sweetie, very much like his father, Kinjite.

Vera - (Ophira - 20yo) with her "toyboy" Jakey (2 yo) !!

Shortcake back at Massie Lodge after being broken in.

Miss Joie, um rather Ms. Joie with her mate, Maddie ... doing the mowing

Joie and Maddie ... careful of the car Jo...

Monday, December 04, 2006

And You Thought I Had Forgotten??

Not at all!! Here are some images taken at Paul Moody's property on the weekend. I have to say that I was very impressed with the set up there and I guess one of the things that impressed me the most was the way that the youngsters are not just ridden in a round yard. Well, like most education of babies, yes they are ridden in there to start off with and Paul has two very well equipped round yards.

The thing that captured my imagination was the fact that he takes them up into the hills and round the trees and teaches them to look where they are going and to step over things. There is plenty of time for work at the track when they are having a preparation - I guess this is more of a life education as well. Shorts will go back to the track this week before coming home again for r&r.

Joie and Mads arrived home today around 3pm and both look very well indeed. They have come home fast friends and will remain together. Monika will be out at Massie Lodge on Day 16 to scan them again to see what's going on. I have to say that Joie looks different and I cant put my finger on exactly what it is, however, she looks great, in saying that they both look great!!

Maybe Joie had a good time over at Colourwell with Player? lolol

Evan has been spending a lot of time blogging on his blog and if you havent had a a chance to look at it, he has been writing some very interesting articles on punting and the racing industry. A must read blog! Click Here to go to Evan's Blog.

Well, time for me to scat as its been a long day at work and Iam b*sausted (shorthand for bloody exhausted !!!).

Take care


A youngster taking shade under one of the many big trees

Shorts just out of the stable

Leo with Short Pants

Kurt with Shorts

Leo, Shorts, Jane & Rob at Paul Moody's

"Ready, Set ...... "

... Go!! About 2 mins after I took this photo, Max galloped over to Jimbo and they started playing colt games, rearing up in the air and chasing each other around and my camera was back in my pocket. Why is it that always happens when you are trying to take photos of horses? (What do they say? - Never work with children or animals .... ) lol

Max's mate, Jimbo (Private Agenda / Sweet Air) who we think is coming along nicely