Monday, March 23, 2009


To all the owners of Ormonde (including our friends, Jane and Rob Koch), who won at Mareeba last weekend over 1210m (Cl2). Woohoo guys, its always great to have a win!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Da Connie Boys


Jackie Lee

Harry (no thats not an emu on my face)


Im In Love ...

With a little Angel ... not because she is so cute, but rather because she is just a sweet cherub who doesnt have a mean bone in her body. She is street smart and independent (when you have Gossips for your mother and Pip for your Auntie you have to be!) and loves to come up, be in your company and say hello to you. Little Angel now has her own bowl next to mum and eats up with a ferver that makes your heart swell.

Im not in love, no no... lol

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Rest in Peace


My little friend who left this life way too soon. A big puppy with an even bigger heart who's time with us was so short. A big kid who liked to chase frogs and lizards - who loved retrieving a ball, a stick - anything was a game and he loved it. Those big brown eyes, the big black paws, the way he liked to lean and rest his head on my legs. The way he sat with me at night and cuddled in.
I dont understand why you left us so soon.
I miss you my little boy.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Wee Jimmy - Update

Is still in the paddock and from all reports has put on weight (which isnt hard for a horse like Jimmy who loves his food!) and is having a great holiday with Shoena and Greg Leary. Greg has said that Jimmy follows him around like a puppy - Jimmy has always been a sweet boy, he's just gotta learn to get out of those barriers quick smart!

Latest Book ...

The Lost Recipie for Happiness.

Ok, ok, I admit it - Iam a closet "foodie". My favourite show on the tube is "Masterchef", I am constantly gazing through the millions of recipies on the net (mind you, I only own 3 cook books - for some reason when I moved out of my house in Sydney I threw out all of my mother's .. and I cant tell you why either!) and Saturday is usually "Experimental Saturday" in the Robinson household, where I subject Evan to all my experimental cooking adventures (I usually warn people that if they are coming for dinner on a Saturday night to "expect the unexpected" and if it doesnt turn out we'll get Chinese!

Im not quite sure what attracted me to this book, but I think it could of been that I had been "Koontz out" and needed to read something a little more mainstream.

The story is about a "damaged" woman who was badly hurt in a car accident in her teens who carried with her enough survivor guilt to launch The Queen Mary! No, its the story of a woman trying to find herself and how she does through her cooking and of course through her dog, Alvin.

The book certainly hasnt got rave reviews, however, I am enjoying it just the same.