Sunday, February 27, 2005

Leading Lesson 101 Posted by Hello

Susie (Star Ferry), watching Evan and Lily have their leading lesson.  Posted by Hello

Evan with Lily. She has accepted the Halter, accepts the lead and is happy for Evan to run his hands all over her. She is a very intelligent youngster and has Nanna's eyes. Posted by Hello

Evan in the crush with Lenny. He has come along way since the first day. Its very important that Lenny trust Evan and as you can see, whilst not 100% sure of what's going on, he allows Evan to touch him, to put his arm over him. Posted by Hello

Comings and Goings........

Finally, we have been blessed with some rain, just over an inch, and isnt it amazing how quick the paddocks recover. From brown to green in a matter of days. It never ceases to amaze me how the scenery changes. As I look out from the study I can see green paddocks and every horse with its head down, picking away madly.
Please if you see any lost rain about, please point it in our direction.
Susie has come home from Greg's after a pretty disappointing last run. Its not a given that all horses know how to run. I mean, they have to learn to jump from the barriers, learn to take the corners and learn to settle and not run like a mad thing and run out of steam... um, like Susie girl. For some it takes longer for the penny to drop and understand what's expected. I forgot how sweet a girl she really is here at home.
Miss Lily, our first weaned is coming along in leaps and bounds and leads on both sides very nicely. Lenny (our Kinjite colt), will be weaned in the next few days and Iam positive that there will be some yelling out going on for a while. Evan has been spending some time with him in the crush and he is becoming most responsive (and Iam thinking that he has already picked a name out for Lenny.... Nosnibor)...
(Think about it... what does it spell backwards?)
This week ahead sees to arrival of 2 spellers to Massie Lodge along with some rescue horses, which I will talk about more in my next blog.
The week ahead also sees the end of Mazwell here at Massie Lodge with him going on to his next stage in life. Evan laughs at me because I have a sort of procedure that i put in place when a horse is leaving us. Nothing secret, just something I do to start putting some emotional distance between me and the horse concerned, otherwise its just too painful. Go get 'em Maz... and may your life ahead be one of success and happiness.
Our yearling filly that we sold (who I called Oriana, by Sportsworks) is doing very well at the breakers from all reports. She will come back here for a few months before heading off to the trainers.
It really is a case of comings and goings isnt it?

Saturday, February 19, 2005


Susie, our girl STAR FERRY, will be stepping out tomorrow at the Sunshine Coast in a 1600m maiden with senior rider, Carl Spry on board.
Carl has a mission tomorrow. With the aid of different equipment (a lugging bit), he will attempt to ride Susie back in the field and then let her run on in the straight. Susie has been showing all signs in her trackwork that the lugging bit has made the difference. My only concern is that the girl will be fresh and full of herself, so Carl will have his mission laid out for him trying to keep her settled.
Sunshine Coast, Race No. 1 at 12.20pm - Horse No. 13 - STAR FERRY
P.S. Unfortunately we wont be up to see her run this time as we are still not happy about leaving Miss Lily to her own devices all day. See, it doesnt matter what sort of baby they are, they all need lots of attention!!

Friday, February 18, 2005

It Has Been Most Remiss...

of me not to post any photos of the Canines that live with us at Massie Lodge.

Let me fix that up now!


And this great big Brown dog and son of Jack is Lancelot (Full Name: Cobbycurl Jacks Best Boy). Here he is with his girl Bess (and Maz in the background) Posted by Hello

This is Bessie Merle (Reg. Name: Ringlord Smokealarm) and Matilda lying down behind her. Posted by Hello

This is my beautiful Curly Coated Retriever dog Jack (full title: Aust Champ. Miamba Allue C.D.) who passed away last August. RIP my beautiful friend. Posted by Hello

When its time for mum to say goodbye....

The sad part about having thoroughbred babies is the fact that
a) they are going to grow up and more than likely go away; and
b) sometime in the near future after they have been born, they are going to be pried away from their mothers. Sometimes willingly on both parts, and some times most begrudgingly.
Hopefully Mother Nature plays a part in the process and makes the parting of mum and baby easy.
Our Nanna actually told us it was time for her to let Lily, her fily, go. So on Wednesday morning, Lily was put in the little stable and Nanna was led down the back.
Normally when this happens, both Mum and child are frantic without each other. However, I think Nanna knew that it was time and after being released, went down for a swim in the dam and a pick of grass. Lily on the other hand was a little whiney without mum to start off with. However, we brought Sweetie and Lenny up to be outside and Libby and Jakey were next door, so she had lots of company.
She settled down away from mum in a matter of days and was getting into the hay that we were giving her. There was a "little" pacing up and down going on down the back paddock from Nanna, but it was very half hearted and as soon as she saw her dinner bucket, it was soon forgotten all about it.
Lily who?
Today (Friday) Miss Lily, independent, girl about town, took her first steps out of the stable as a big girl. She wore a halter and had a little leading practice with Evan. Im very happy to say that she took it all in her stride and caught on very quickly. She must get the smarts from her mum i think.
While we had Sweetie and Lenny up in the front paddocks, we took the opportunity to spend a little time with Lenny who is really scared and timid. We put mum and Lenny in the crush and Evan got in with Lenny and let him get used to him. Needless to say that there is still plenty of work to be done there with Lenny before it will be his turn to be weaned.
It will be either Lenny or April who is next.... it all depends on how Vera is travelling in the next few weeks.
1 down 6 to go!
Miss Susieis due to strut her stuff on Sunday at the Sunshine Coast in a 1600m maiden. Hmm. Have real mixed thoughts about this. Watch this space!

... and Missymoo (our Kinjite filly) cant resist a cuddle and a chat. Posted by Hello

Meanwhile.... in the "Rosie's Paddock" .. Sunny thought she would come and say Hello! to Evan! Posted by Hello

Meanwhile on the other side of the property..... All the mums and their babies were having a sleep in the sand roll. We call this the "Chestnut Paddock" !! :-) Posted by Hello

Just a little more closer and they had a nice hug. No worries from Sweetie, Lenny or Evan. A good experience had by all. Posted by Hello

Evan and Lenny (By Kinjite out of Sweet Air). The mare crush is a good place for scared foals to get used to humans. Like training our Curly Coated Retriever dogs, we reward good behaviour, so afterward, Lenny and mum got some hay. Reward and Repetition. Posted by Hello

"Now this is how it should be!!" Very quickly Lily has learned that "yummies" go in this bowl. Posted by Hello

"What the hell am I supposed to do with this around my head ??" Lily and Evan and her first encounted with a halter and lead. Posted by Hello

This is our darling Lily (by Private Agenda out of Splendid Feeling). First day out as a big girl without mum.  Posted by Hello

Sunday, February 13, 2005

What else can I say for this? Susie (Star Ferry) on the left and Vicky (Vetiole) on the right away from home at Sunshine Racing Stables. GO THE GIRL! Posted by Hello

This is Maz. The Orphan who came to stay 2 years ago. A little thing he was when he arrived; we both thought he wouldnt make it... now look at him. He is a real success story for both Evan and I and Massie Lodge. All you need is love Maz.  Posted by Hello

April (Canadian Silver / Ophira) ... she is a stunner... and most like her mother. For those who know Vera, how scary is that? lol Posted by Hello

Evan and Lily (Private Agenda out of Splendid Feeling - Nanna). If that isnt trust and acceptance, I dont know what is! Posted by Hello

Our Kinjite Colt - Lenny (out of Sweet Air) with Evan down the back paddock. We have been endeavouring to spend lots of time with the babies and get them to a stage where they trust us. Next stop after that is weaning. AArgh! Posted by Hello

Turkish Trousers and her filly, Shorts (By Irish Royal) taking up the challenge of being our lawmowers! Posted by Hello

Tommorow is Valentine's Day...............

And what does that mean? Not much, lol.
Things have been continually hectic here at Massie Lodge with the comings and goings of horses.
It is getting so close to weaning time it's not funny and we already have Nanna (Splendid Feeling) and Lily up here doing the mower duties getting ready for Lilie's turn. I look out the study window to the right and I can see "baby" Lily having a suckle with mum. However, Nanna has just about had enough of Lily and we need to keep her in good health as she is our oldest gal and also back in foal to Canadian Silver which will be a very commercial foal to say the least. Keep your fingers crossed for Nanna.
Trousers has gone back down the back with Shorts after doing a most admirable job as our mower. (She was even christened the new VICTOR TT series 1 !). She is a funny old bird is Trousers and I have grown very fond of her...
Sweetie and Lenny will be next to come up as Lenny will be next on the list to be weaned.
The babies in the Chestnut paddock, specifically April, will be next on the cards after Lenny.
All this means is a lot of work to be done, as well as the normal day to day stuff. Not even mentioning Gallopers.
Susie is still up at Greg's and has shown that she is really race green. Greg has in turn put her in a lugging bit to hopefully give the Jockey's some control over her, as she likes to pull and go like a steam train. However, she has been up for quite a while now and we're hoping that after this run she will be put out.
Susie will have another go at 1600m next weekend at the Sunshine Coast, hopefully with a senior jock on board and some control from the change in bit will see her settle and then be able to run home.
We're still not sure what she can do and what she cant do... in saying that she ran like a steam engine in a 1600m 2 weeks ago from a wide alley and the tank was empty when we needed to see something.
Horses. Who'd have them?
Thoroughbreds are amazing creatures. They get into your blood and once you get the taste for them, its pretty sure that you will never loose it. They become an addiction. A nice one at that... I know that I get pretty attached to all that have come through Massie Lodge; some more than others of course, but I guess that's the special ingredient that we give them here. Love.
Vicky has gone onto a great life down at Taree with a lovely couple. Whether she becomes a successful racehorse, I have no idea, but I do know that she has gone to a lovely couple who will care for her as we did.
Chops has gone back into training with a new owner. Whether he is successful and his tendon stands up to racing, I have no idea. However, both Evan and I know that we have given him every single opportunity to get back there.
Oriana is still with us, however, will go to the breakers this week. She is a lovely girl with a beautiful temperament. I would like to think that we have given her the right start in life.
As for the rest of the motley crew they are all still here; Dopey, Summer, Eric the Horse, Rusty, Charlie.
Maz will start a new life somewhere else soon and we know that without us he wouldnt be here today. He arrived here as a poddy foal with a surrogate mum (Ophira). Emaciated, and not cared for as he should of. It's been a labour of love to get him where he is today and something that both Evan and I are very proud of.
Makes me think of the Beatles song, "Love is all you need".

Ozzie (Dodge / Ophira) looking after his girlys. Posted by Hello

Caramel (Moon Rocket / Havachat) and April (Canadian Silver/Ophira) enjoying the sand roll. Posted by Hello

Caramel, a real little girl Posted by Hello
Our two girls, Caramel -left (Moon Rocket/Havachat) and April (Canadian Silver/Ophira) enjoying the sand roll. Posted by Hello