Thursday, March 30, 2006

Joey girl standing quietly behind Sunny ... please note the mud present on her coat only after what was only 10 drops of rain! LOL Posted by Picasa

The Welcoming Committee at Massie Lodge (note the "Eric Proof" tape across the front entrance to Massie Lodge ... Eric likes to take a little wander down the road and go into Leo's place next door for a visit!) Posted by Picasa

Wee Jimmy and his dad having a one on one hug :-) Posted by Picasa

C'mon dad, its time for a group hug!! Posted by Picasa

Evan with Jimmy after some lead training. Posted by Picasa

Thank Goodness...

for Toowoomba Show Day.... which means Telstra Countrywide shuts its doors and I can have a sleep in! (Mind you, there is still one working day left in the week for me, hopefully all will be quiet being Friday).

Today was also Weetwood Day at Toowoomba Turf Club. The track was absolutely abissmal. We decided that we wouldnt make the trek to the races today with the thousands that attended, and ended up watching from the comfort of our living room (no queing for toilets, or to get to the TAB. No lining up at the bar for hours for a drink or getting a beer spilled on your favourite races outfit and of course, minimal flies!). The track was actually bi-coloured, which was really noticeable. Granted, like most of SEQ at the moment, it has dried out considerably, however, one would wonder why they would insist that it be mowed quite so often? Seeing the condition of the track, iam not at all surprised that Joey has hurt herself. Perhaps Council should reconsider it's stance on the issue of recycling of grey water that was opposed not so long ago (and perhaps give their mower man a few weeks off!).

I have spent a good amount of time today updating and tidying up the Gallopers website and ended up taking off a few horses that went through the Inglis Sale recently. I noticed that the horses that we had listed (and some owners had received offers for) had sold for a lot less than what was previously offered to the seller through our site.

One of the things that we have learned very quickly since taking up Gallopers Australiawide Bloodstock is that when you get an offer for your horse - take the money and run! More often than not there are no second chances or offers and if you do hold off and put your horse through an auction, then you will suffer at the hands of the fickle market (which sometimes can be more cruel than kind).

We see it time and time again and looking at the sales results of this sale was no different. Still you cant tell people as they have in their mind what they believe is a "fair" asking price. I can guarantee more times than not, this is way, way over what the market thinks the horse is worth.

Actually its more about common sense than anything else. However, where thoroughbred horses and money are concerned, common sense is usually nowhere to be found.

My other priority today was to spend some time with the baby boys. Wee Jimmy has settled in well with Billy and Max and really is a pleasure to handle. He is very quick to learn the basics in leading and yielding. He understands the concept of us handling his feet and accepts both Evan and I when we put our arms around him in a cuddle. Although I have to say that Maxie boy does get a little jealous of all the attention that is being showered on Jim, and needs to join in on all the activities. So, there were lots of group hugs today, lol.

I also got to spend some time with Joey today and just gave her a light massage and she didnt seem in so much discomfort - probably the Bute helping there. I think that the best way to gauge how she is feeling is to keep lightly massaging the areas and gauging her reactions. The test will be when she goes off the Bute (which is soon). We will be organising for her to have some Bowen Therapy in the next week or so, so that will help a great deal as well.

Joey and Sunny (pictured above), are now a formidable team in their paddock and you wont see one without the other one. I had to laugh when I took the above photo, it was if Sunny had said to Joey, "No, Joey, you cant be in the picture, stay in the background .... now, have you got my good side there?"

We had a wee bit of rain over night (the sound shocked me so much, it woke me up last night!) and all of the horses presented themselves this morning with mud and dirt all over them. Unbelievable they are!!

Well, time for me to hit the sack. Until next time (which should be tomorrow)



Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The News Isnt Good...

One of the things that I like to do ... is to pour over a newspaper of a morning with a cup of tea or coffee and just take in what's happening around the world. These days because of where we live I find that more and more Iam doing this over the internet... well it's the new technology isnt it?

More and more the headlines read about the disasters happening around the world; however, when I came to browse over the Free Times (a local paper around this area that is delivered), I had to stop and read an article that was a major headline in this newspaper...

Stanthorpe Today.....

Renegade Roosters and Grave Digging Rabbits Wander Wallangarra

Naturally the headline caught my attention immediately!

"Renegade roosters are roaming around Wallangarra causing havoc in the bordertown - and their crows can be heard as far as Stanthorpe Shire Council's complaints desk."

The story goes on to say that abandoned Roosters are causing the council a huge headache.

"It's been quite a month for Wallangarra animal complaints, in fact. Rabbits have been causing havoc at the Wallangarra Cemetary, with bunnies making their way into the worn fence - and then digging burrows around the grave sites."

In a world gone crazy, thank God for the country dont you think?


Well, yesterday was quite frankly a day that we would not like to repeat with both Adam and Chris turning up at the same time.

Joey has hurt her Sacroiliac and needs 6 months to sort that one out. Poor wee girl. She is in a bit of pain at the moment and she will be getting some pain respite for a little bit. Adam will need to come back again as time was his enemy as well yesterday.

Well, time to move my butt I guess.

Be Good until then!


Monday, March 27, 2006

Who Needs an Alarm Clock....?

when you have the auger (wrong spelling?) next door in full swing, depositing grain into one of our neighbour's silo's? Grrr..... here I was trying to have just a little sleep in ... when the noise of the truck carrying the wheat, and the auger depositing the grain into the silo were going at full pelt?

Not happy Jan!

Still today has been raced at half-pace, so all concerned are all forgiven for their sins this morning!

On a much brighter note, today saw the "coming out" of wee Jimmy from the weaning barn out into the big world. However, before the gates were open, the wee boy had to have a lesson with the halter and proved that he is his mother's son (and very much related to his half brother!). How scary is that? Very scary indeed!

See you soon.


PS- Big day tomorrow.... Chris the Vet coming out. Adam the Farrier.... and damn it, I have to go to work!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Paul Nipperess with young Harrison and his wife Lisa with Evan on our front verandah after doing an inspection of the horses this morning. Posted by Picasa

A man and his hat should never be parted... Evan in the function room at Toowoomba! Posted by Picasa

My humblest Apologies...

I have been most remiss in my posting on this blog. Its not because I havent wanted to do it, its more to do with a lack of time to sit and actually do it! Every day seems to go by at 100 kph, however the amount of tasks that we need to fit into each days seems to increase with each new resident.

Everything has been in fast pace around here for the last week.... a visit from Adam the Farrier (who seems to be suffering from the same time problem that we have) last week to trim the 2 young boys (Jakey and Lenny, pictured) - which took some time I might add as wee Lenny proved to be a bit of a handful. Then it was on to Eric and then it was time for Adam to go. Although he is due back again this week for some more trims, including the wee little man, Billy who needs his front foot trimmed again.

We have had Joey here for the last 2 weeks recouperating after a bit of a scrap in a jump out. Paul Niperress, his wife Lisa and their boy Harrison were down today for morning tea to check Joey out. Paul, still not happy with Joey, has asked us to get Chris out to see her this week for a second opinion. So, we will be seeing Chris this week as well as Adam! While Chris is out, we will get him to microchip Flossie (Dodge /Wanchai Lady) and might just get him to cast his eye over Eric and Bob.

Paul gave his nod of approval for TeeCee (Thunderousclassic) and also gave his nod of approval for Sunny when her foot fully recovers. Paul also ran his eye over Lenny and Jake and really liked the look of them both for the future. So that was a good visit! (Except for the date loaf.... lol.... well... I keep telling you Iam no Martha Stewart!!!)

Cindy (Lightning Edge) went back to work last Tuesday with Phil Quinnell - she was ready to get her mind back on the job!

Last night saw a trip to the Toowoomba races to celebrate a 25th Wedding Anniversary where Evan and I organised a punters club for the night. We ended up raising $190 for a local Toowoomba charity which was great. I have to comment here about the state of the Toowoomba Track - it was absolutely disgusting. Rumour has it that it is still being mowed a couple of times during the week and as a result it was an absolute dustbowl. With the rail out a good 10m, no one was making any ground and the dust just flew!! Hello???? Cant someone see how bad it is for the horses? Heaven help the Weetwood this Thursday, lets hope sanity prevails before then.

So as you can see, there is no rest for the wicked here !

Not long now until the unveiling of the new and improved Massie Lodge site.... waiting, waiting, waiting... lol (patience? what patience!!!).

Well, time for me to go and get dinner started.... tonight its home cooked Pizza... yummo!


P.S. Congratulations to the owner and trainer of Irish Secretariat who won at Rockhampton and paid $102 for the win on Friday.... the Irish Royal's are certainly doing it for themselves now! You know me, a fan of Danehill Iam not... but Irish Royal is certainly provining that he can throw some handy horses to race not just here in Queensland, but in NSW at provincial level (Canterbury) with Flukepennyprincess.

Monday, March 20, 2006

What a Day...

Im not quite sure why Iam feeling that today was anything out of the norm ... its just like most of the days here ... wake up, muck out, feed up, feed humans etc etc etc. Perhaps because it was unusally busy for a Monday... and today being the day that we were to wean Jimmy from Sweetie and Libby.

Yes, I do mean from the 2 mares ( the happy family is pictured! ).... both of them are in foal and Sweetie has a real laid back approach to motherhood (so much so that she would let Libby look after Jimmy when she was "busy" doing things that pregnant mothers do... like eat and swim and eat. Libby was very happy to be "Auntie Libby" but drew the line on the suckling bit (thank goodness). So, when it was time to do the actual deed and separate the family.... I proceeded with Evan (with much trepidation!).

My Job: Move Billy and Max into crush yard with hay so that yard and stable are free. Make sure Eric and Joey were busy sharing their hay in the yard next door. Prepare weaning barn, water bowls, put on crash helmet etc etc. Iam the Weaning Barn Door Manager when Sweetie and Jim were led into the stable by Evan and Sweetie was let out and Jimmy was kept inside. He was not a happy chappie.

Evan's Job: Go and collect Sweetie and Jimmy (a task easier said than done because a) Libby didnt want to be separated from Sweetie and Jim and b) Jimmy was too busy paying social visits to the horses on the way up to the top yards).

To my horror (but not surprised ...) Jimmy showed shades of Lenny when he was weaned; totally upset by the whole matter. All three of them.... (Auntie Libbby included) called out to each other all afternoon, only stopping when Sweetie was eating.

Ok, with Jimmy safely inside the weaning barn, it was time to let out his new mates from the crush paddock. One, Two, Three... open the gate and did they do the bolt around to Jimmy or what, only to find out that on first contact, it might not be such a good idea to get too close to this fella just now.

Billy and Max abruptly about turned and ran away from Jimmy and went back outside into their paddock. However, by feedtime, all 3 boys had become accustomed to each other and Billy and Max were glad to show Jimmy the ropes at feeding time.

Its now 10pm and Sweetie and Libby have stopped their calling to Jimmy.... Jimmy calls out spasmodically but mum and Auntie have moved on. Jimmy is quickly becoming attached to his new buddies Maxwell and William. Hopefully tomorrow sees a further progression with the relationship of the three little boys, with a formidable partnership to be made in the very near future.

All of this was followed with surgery rounds (change Eric's poultice and bathe his face, clean Bob's cut and dress it, put some antibiotic powder on Cindy's leg). Not to mention the feeding caper at the end of the day.

*sigh* 6.00pm rolls around like it comes straight after 12 noon. Our next door neighbour joins us on the front verandah for a cold alcoholic beverage (well deserved I might add) - what a way to end the day.

Seems like it was just another day at the office!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

SOD of the week

Must go to Channel 9 and their coverage of the marathon this morning.

We mostly watch cable tv... and it came to our notice 2 months ago that for $49.95 you could subscribe to Austar digital and get to see all the Commonwealth games coverage without all the free-to-air crap. It seemed like a good idea at the time... and we thought that we would get around to subscribing to it. Hmmmm. Not so.

So, we have been watching the Channel 9 coverage and anxiously got up early this morning to get all the horses fed so that we could watch the women's and mens marathon. We saw the start and the finish... but all the bits in between (all 2 hours of it!) were no where to be found! Heats for the 50m backstroke and every other 50m event heat was shown with little or no coverage of the marathon. Sorry but that rates up there with our favourite transport company!

So, to Channel 9 .... we give the coveted SOD of the week award!!! Boo Hiss Boo !!!!

And now a word from our Sponsors..........

Massie Lodge would like to explain to those who have seen the photo of our new horse Thunderousclassics (TeeCee) in a previous post and notice that Evan has a bottle of beer in the photo... Yes! It is a beer (Carlton Cold in fact!) however, the photo was taken at 6.30pm well after all horses were tucked in bed and after I just got home from work.


The Trouble With Jimmy...

Well, tomorrow is D-Day (or W-Day maybe?) for Jimmy who has tried Evan's patience once too often with his little jaunts into the dry mares paddock (I think today was the last straw!). He is over 5 months now and his mother and (Auntie) Libby are ready to stop sharing their feeds with him.

A Budding Romance....

Eric and Joey ... Joey and Eric. Cant bear to be away from each other. Joey has to eat next to Eric or she wont eat. Eric has to have his hay strategically placed so that they can share. *Sigh* I havent told Eric that Joey will be going away in a week or so.... I'll leave that to Evan. lol

and finally.....

Red Meat ...

The only good thing about Channel 9 and their coverage of the Comm. Games is the "quirky" advertisement with Sam Neill about Red Meat. Im not one to advertise an advertisement but it really is a good ad and it certainly beats Darryl Eastlakes at the weightlifting or Ray Warren at the swimming!

Hmm. I must be tired if iam talking about an advertisement on the television. lol

Until next time.


Saturday, March 18, 2006


Do you ever have those days where for some reason or another you end up going through your old photos or going through a bag of bits and pieces that you have put away for what seems years? Because I have had such a hectic four days at Telstra, today was spent just relaxing and trying to catch up with things that I havent been able to do.

Actually by accident today, I ended up going through my old photos and ended up finding a school photo from 1974 - Class 5T (with the "T" standing for Mrs. Turner). In my class was none other than 2006 Oscar Nominee, Nicky Gooley. Not only did I go to school with Nicky, but I remember that we ended up going away on Camp to Lake Keepit (which is close to Tamworth) where she lent me a pair of socks because all of mine had got wet due to lots of rain. (To think that if I had kept those socks I could of sold them on E-Bay for thousands of dollars...) lol

It's amazing what you stick away in the cupboard in bags and just plain forget about! I'm not really a hoarder by nature, but I found a lot of things when I went through my cupboard that I havent seen for years!

Comings and Goings....

Joey (aka Joie de Victorie, pictured above) is starting to settle down since arriving last week... She has come out of the day yard and has gone into Rosie's paddock with Sunny and Cindy. She really is quite sooky at the moment and is all up for a cuddle and a pat. In saying all of that, I think she is a little confused as to why she is not in work with Paul and is expected to relax! The leg that she bumped in the jump out is showing no signs of soreness - I think she will go back up to Paul next week, ready to get back into it. She came to us with a little cut at the corner of her eye and one under the chin... probably from the trip down I am thinking.

Meanwhile, Sunny and Cindy are starting to look like blimps - I think Cindy (Lightning Edge) will be leaving in the next week or so to go back into work down in Northern NSW (the way she is at the moment, I would think that it will take Bluey more than 8 weeks to get that tummy off her!). Sunny's foot is certainly healing up now and she does not think much of the Davis Boot.

(Please excuse me while I digress..... Iam sitting here out in the living room blogging for something different... the Commonwealth Games are on the TV and for the 10th time this evening Iam typing to the tunes of our national anthem ... Australians let us rejoice... lol - not that Iam complaining of course as its always good to see the Aussies win - but I have to say that the tune is becoming a bit monotonous! Why cant they alternate with Waltzing Matilda? LMAO).

TeeCee (aka Thunderousclassics), has settled in well with Bob (Centenn) and Hamish (Sir Weather Vain). It seems that TeeCee and Hamish are now an item. They eat out of the same bowl, share their hay, generally just hang out together. Meanwhile poor Bob is getting over a bite on the shoulder from Ring Cycle (who left Massie Lodge on Thursday). Maybe it was a goodbye kiss? Ring Cycle made it to Coonabarabran on Friday and the new owner is very pleased with him. We still havent decided what to do with TeeCee, although I dont think he will be going anywhere in a hurry!

Eric the Horse (aka Entirely) has now been brought up from the back to have a go around the house as the Victor EEEEEE mower. Eric who never raced because of a throat operation that went wrong, has been struggling to get over a very bad hoof abcess, however, I think that now we have it's measure and it seems to be healing up (thank goodness ... I have to say that Iam not very keen on dressing his hoof as he is not a very good patient!). He is a gentleman apart from that and will spend the rest of his life with us as he cannot be used as a riding horse because of his throat condition. I have to laugh because he follows Evan around like one of the dogs.

Jimmy (colt by Private Agenda out of Sweet Air) will be weaned in the next week.... which will add some fun and games for us. Billy and Max are doing very well with Billy certainly coming along now in leaps and bounds (for which we are both very happy about).

Flossie (Dodge/Wanchai Lady) and Shorts (Irish Royal/TT) are doing great with Flossie looking 100% on her condition when she arrived. She is quite a nice filly. Shorts is still a bit warty, but that doesnt seem to affect her appetite! Shorts and Floss have become good friends - which is good for both of them.

Sorry, another digression.... But the dulcit tones of Darryl Eastlake are bellowing out of the tv.... how the hell did he get to commentate on the Weightlifting? ... I think that he and Ray Warren should team up - Darryl gets way over excited with the lifting and Ray Warren calls the swimming like a football game. LOL Thank goodness they are not showing alot of Weight Lifting!

Well, time for me to hit the sack. Promise to post soon!


Thursday, March 16, 2006

Do We Race or Do We Sell???

That is the question!!!!

Thunderousclassics (T.C) arrived today.... and Iam in love.... actually I think we both are! I guess we need to have a serious chat with Paul!
Will write soon.
p.s. He has a gorgeous baldy face too.... AAArgh!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Wee Jimmy... who had to stick his nose into the process of his mum (Sweetie) and Libby getting their feet done. 2 weeks to go little fella... enjoy them while you can! :) Posted by Picasa

"C'mon Hamish... give me your leg...." Posted by Picasa

Adam, Evan and Hamish (Sir Weather Vain). This boy is a real cutie and so quiet. Posted by Picasa

Adam, Evan and Bob (Centenn) Posted by Picasa

Adam, hard at it. Posted by Picasa

Time Flies..

when you are having fun. More than not, time seems to fly when you are hard at it and seem to be out all morning working with the horses. That was us this morning. Adam Tozer, Massie Lodge's farrier was out first thing to trim up Bob (Centenn), Hamish (Sir Weather Vain), Sweetie (Sweet Air) and Libby's (Miss Independence, pictured above with me) feet. After that it was "surgery rounds" which seemed to take another few hours. Not to mention Evan helping Leo our next door neighbour unload 100 bales of hay down in the hayshed. I tell you a glamerous life it is not, but a fulfilling one it is!

Yesterday was a quiet one for Massie Lodge and after doing a few things around the place, it was time to put our feet up and just enjoy the day, funny though when Monday comes around it comes with a vengeance and time seems to speed up. I have to ask the question, why does time seem to slow down when Iam working at Telstra? lol

This week sees a new arrival with "Thunderousclassics" arriving from NSW. T.C, a 16hh, 3 year old Marauding gelding who was with Gary Portelli for his initial preparation will arrive on Thursday. T.C was a $20k yearling at the Sires Produce Yearling sale in 2004 and is a half brother to "Norestforthewicked" a 2yo chestnust colt by Catbird. The future for T.C is unclear at this stage, although I can see that Evan is keen on giving him a preparation with Paul Nipperess to assess his ability. Perhaps a name change even? Ok, he is by Marauding out of Campfire Slave ... any ideas?

Finally, I have finished the Massie Lodge website and have sent it through to Melissa at Jozani Consulting for some last minute tweaking before it goes up on the net. (Dont worry you will be the first to know when it comes online!). The theme that is weaved through our site will be "Boutique Style Accommodation for your Thoroughbred" and I guess that's what we are.... a small boutique hotel that caters for the individual needs of our equine residents.

Evan's tipping will recommence in April of this year and on our main page we will have a section called, "Massie Musings" where Evan and I will contribute articles about the industry. What I wanted was a site that was simple, clear and concise and I think I have done it. (Well I hope so!!!).

Well its now 2.42pm. Nearly time to start the afternoon chores again .. maybe I will go and stick my feet up for a little bit till its time to go outside again.... hmm sounds a good idea to me!

Hooroo until next time


Saturday, March 11, 2006

Creative Inspiration

comes in many forms, however, for me today, its a cup of tea and the nicest Lammington I have eaten in a long time! Hmmm. Being so inspired after eating that Lammington and drinking what has been the second nicest cup of tea today (naturally Evan's one this morning was the best) I have been sitting at the computer being creative and working on the Massie Lodge website - which I have to say is now nearly complete (I guarantee that it will please the masses, lol).
This week has been pretty hectic (which is not unusual here) with a few comings and goings and a hectic time at Telstra (I promised that I wasnt going to bitch about it, didnt I? Hmmm).

(OMG! Bloody Cindy - aka Lightning Edge has just taken it upon herself to walk along the side verandah and reek chaos to the birds.... not to mention upend the birdseed and spill it all over the verandah ... um, somthing tells me that its time for this horse to go back into work!!! AAArgh, you should see the mess!)

Oh, was I supposed to censor the word "Bloody" for our British readers? lol


This week has also seen a new addition to Gallopers business that I will be looking after. What Iam going to be doing is hopefully finding new owners for "retirees" from the track. We have sold on to a good home our first "retiree" - Ringo (Ring Cycle, pictured above) to a lovely lady in NSW who was looking for a horse to love. Ringo leaves Massie Lodge on Thursday to go to Coonabarrabran. This is not something new for us, but its something that we want to develop and take out to the trainers and owners ... dont ditch your horse once it's finished its racing career.... give me a call!! So, if any of my good readers know of any horses that are just about finished with their career on the racetrack and want them to go to a good home, please get in contact with me (0408 470386). Naturally these horses are not going to attrack alot of money, however, they are going to attract good homes and good owners who will love them and treat them accordingly. What more could you give to your pal that has given you so much fun?

Blotto (aka Telbon Lotto) has gone to a good home this last week down in northern NSW. He will have 1 more prep and then will go to a beautiful home to retire to.

Dracula ...

Will make the move to Queensland and Oakey for the 2006 breeding season. This son of Quest for Fame will make an interesting choice for breeders at $3300. I personally like him... and I like the look of his youngsters - obviously not a favourite anymore at Woodlands, but will certainly open up the market and choices for breeders where sons of Danehill and Redoute's Choice are making up the bulk of the stallion market.

(Oh Evan, ok, can we start a list for 2006..... Euclase, Dracula ... now which mare goes where?) lol



Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Another one of Kerrie riding Joey with Paul watching. Joey is looking terrific! Posted by Picasa

Kerrie riding Joey on Saturday at Toowoomba Posted by Picasa

Lancey, Bess, Millie and Matilda all loaded up in the Ute ready to go down the back! Posted by Picasa

... hard at it! Posted by Picasa

Sunny and Cindy doing the lawnmower thing.. Posted by Picasa

Evan with Bob (Centenn) .. he has let down some since this photo ... this boy is such a gentleman, im quite fond of Bob :) Posted by Picasa

Have You Ever.......

had to photograph a horse to make it look a saleable item? Hmmm. Not as easy as it seems. I have to feel for the person holding the lead as not only are they looking after the horse, they are also trying to make the horse look interested and intelligent. To do this, they are throwing their other arm up in the air, making clicking noises, waving their hat and basically trying to get the horse to look motivated and enthusiastic. No one wants to buy a horse with it's head down between its front legs... Evan and I have done all of the above (waving, clicking, making noises, using food), the whole bit. As a horse photographer, Iam a great Brain Surgeon!!! Poor Evan, however, as pictured, was certainly trying very hard to get Ringo (aka Ring Cycle) to look motivated and enthusiastic. With the words, "Dont print that picture will you?" being spoken - well, I had to show you guys what happens during a normal day at Massie Lodge right? LOL (Dont tell Evan ok?).

We have just been flat out these last few days. I have been neglecting my blog so that I can get the new Massie Lodge Website up and running. Well, its nearly finished.... and Iam sure that it will be well received by the internet masses. I promise to let you guys know of the unveiling date when we get closer to wrapping it up. I am very pleased with the new layout and its crisp and concise and will certainly give some of the other website's a run for their money. Watch This Space.

All the Massie Lodge residents are well and have nice rounded tummies. Wee Jimmy continues to leave his mother for the dry ladies paddock. His days are certainly numbered with his mother... as soon as Blotto (Telbon Lotto) goes to his new home (at the end of the week) and Sunny and Cindy go back to Rosie's paddock, Jimmy can be weaned. I think he will certainly upset the relationship between Billy and Max as he is pretty dominant (like his half brother Lenny). Oh well, Iam sure they will sort it out.

Bob (Centenn), Hamish (Sir Weather Vain) and Ringo (Ring Cycle) have settled in well together. Bob is still coming to terms with his hay. Hamish is still practicing for the Commonwealth Games (Bowl Discuss) and Ringo is in charge of... um, the three of them!

Flossie (Dodge/Wanchai Lady) has been branded and will be microchipped post haste after being a bit neglected at her previous address. Flossie's owner is thinking of naming her "Dodgey Lady" which I think is very cute. She certainly has come on and has put on a heap of weight and condition since coming to Massie Lodge.

Shortpants (Irish Royal / Turkish Trousers) is looking terrific except for her teenage warty bits .. she is looking more and more like her mother... um, minus the windsucking (thank goodness!) and the knobbly knees! She is really a delight to have around.

Cindy (Lightning Edge) and Sunny spent the day today being apprentice mower's around the house and did a fine job. Not that they need the extra weight of course! Its so nice having all this lush grass. We are certainly very blessed at the moment.

Well, time for me to rush off ... I still have some work on Gallopers website to finish. I promise to write soon.

Hooroo till then.


Saturday, March 04, 2006

To Blog or Not to Blog...

That is the question! And of course I will!


Its off to Toowoomba trackwork to see Joey work and to meet Greg and Anthony who are the other owners of Joey "Joie de Victorie" (pictured above with Paul Nipperess and Evan). Awake at 4.30am, out feeding the 4-hooved ones at 5am and leave Massie Lodge by 5.45am to get to Toowoomba by 6.30am to see Joey work at around 6.45am. Paul is looking at a 1200m race at Esk on 1st April for Joey's first start this preparation.

Back home by 10am (after firstly stopping into to see Paul Nipperess's new stables and house at Toowoomba and stopping at Allora for a cooked breakfast) and its outside to pick up pooh, do waters, do any dressings (take off Sunny's bandage, take off Blotto's poultice off his foot, down the back to Eric to clean his foot and his face. Pick up some hay from the hayshed).

Then the day sort of pans out like this.....

Feed Eric, Trousers, Queenie and Southern. Drive back up to the house and do the lunches (which is hay). Check the waters. Refill Floss's and Shorts water. Top up Billy and Max's water. Clean out Sunny and Cindy's bowl. Refill. Check that Hamish McStagger (Sir Weather Vain) has eaten his breakfast and do his water. Hamish arrived at Massie Lodge on Thursday for a spell.

Do the feeds for tonight (which normally gets done in the morning after feed up). Come inside and relax for a bit and have some lunch ( "A bit" can be anything from an hour to a few hours).

Go back out and check the waters. Clean up the house yards of pooh (yet again - wish they would do it in the one spot!). Get ready to start dinners. (Horses usually start to get a bit narcy around this time - anything from around 3 onwards, because they know its nearly dinner time!). Do any meds required (none at this time).

Start feeding up. Sunny, Cindy first. Then Hamish McStagger. Max and Billy are usually pacing up and down (and Shortcake is starting to yell out... "Where the hell is mine? Cant you see that Iam dying of malnutrition????). Blotto follows the young boys.

Bob and Ringo are hanging over the rail dribbling in anticipation...... Shortcake is running around like a mad thing yelling, "WHERE IS MY DINNER?" Flossie sticks her head around the corner and lets us know she is there....

Of course, Sweetie, Libby and wee Jimmy start making noises when they see you down with Flossie.... because its their turn NEXT!!!

Meanwhile over in the Chestnut paddock Vera, Maddie and Zandrea who all look pregnant but are definitely dry are singing in unison and at the top of their voices, "Why are we waiting, why are we waiting, why are we waiting, oh why do we wait?" So, its a bolt over to them to give them some hay as a token (and to shut up their incessant singing of that song!) ... their paddock is full of grass, they are rotund ... they dont need handfeeding.

Meanwhile back at the front of the house.... the two young men pace along their yard .... up and down... up and down .... they are virtually starving to death.... no one ever feeds them.... (what a load of crap!). As soon as one of us is spotted with the blue buckets their pacing turns into dancing and leaping "We're saved, we will be fed, they have remembered us!" And there is much celebrating between the two boys for this night they will dine like Kings! (Um, just in case you're not sure about that paragraph .... Lenny and Jake actually get fed 3 times a day as they are only yearlings).

Then its a quick trip around to give them all some hay with dinner. While the little boys eat their dinners outside, they like to have their hay inside the stable in the long blue container set on 2 tyres on the far back wall with the candles lit and the mood music playing .... talk about spoilt.

Bob (Centenn) and Ringo (Ring Cycle) are still coming to terms with the concept of hay and also prefer to eat theirs inside their shed and in little piles.

Hamish McStagger likes to pick up his bowl and throw it around his yard as he feels that he is practicing for the Commonwealth Games event "Feed Bowl Discus" problem is the feed tends to go everywhere and he then comes looking for more!

Silence! Not a sound can be heard at Massie Lodge but for the munching of the equines happily involved in their meals!

Now its time for the Canines!! Maybe thats a story for another day. lol

Boo Hiss Boo.........

To the trainer in Warrnambool who was disqualified by the Stewards for 3 years after being found guilty of 8 charges relating to cruelty to horses.

The charges related to failing to provide sufficient food to the horses in his care and insufficient veterinary attention or appropriate treatment. 4 horses under his care had to be destroyed.

In this day and age how can something like this happen? Its a tragedy - not only for the horses under this trainer's care, but for the owners who love their horses and pay the trainer monthly to supply care and food to his charges. The trainer is entrusted to care for these horses! This should never have happened. Shame, shame, shame!

Finally on a brighter note, to Adavale Hornet, the $1 horse who keeps on winning...... well done the boy!
