Friday, November 26, 2004


since I have sat down and blogged. Will my fans ever forgive me?????

Probably yes considering that Iam not sure just who reads this and Iam possibly just talking to myself.

Where is my Note of Absence?

I have none :-( all I can say is that I have worked my 20hours for the Government... (hmmm is Telstra known as the Government?) and both me and my bank account are feeling much better.

I dont actually mind the absence from Massie Lodge for 20hours. Whereas Evan is quite happy not to see another Human Being for a long period of time, I become a little "edgy" if I dont get a fix of the human race. One thing I will say is that after 20hours away, Iam quite happy to come back to Massie Lodge.

On my drive home from Toowoomba this afternoon (after having braved the queues in Coles... AAARGH!) I was wondering what can I blog about tonight. One or two things came to mind:-
  1. Trousers finally having her baby on Tuesday morning and at a reasonable hour too!
  2. Vicky
  3. Rusty (who is now having the last laugh now that he is ball-less?) who now lives with Cheeky Chops and is now the one being harrassed
  4. The mating habits of Kay (Kwila's Ambition) and Cheeky Chops the would be stallion (if he had balls that is)
  5. Christmas in the Robinson Household
  6. A visit from Uncle Bob from Sydney
  7. My exciting 20 hours at Telstra Countrywide this week
  8. Star Ferry (Susie)
  9. Priming our liver's up for the weekend (we have visitors down from Cairns)
  10. The BP Station at Nobby. Why they insist of charging 99c a litre for petrol and no one ever seems to stop there (especially because there is a cheaper place at Eatonvale)
  11. The Miracle Mile. A standard bred's dream come true
  12. Lancelot - why on earth he continues to smell even though he swims everyday. (No wonder Evan calls him "Smellalot")

Ok, where shall I start with this lot.

How about this?

Have you ever wondered just how different men and women are? I mean, we all get on, we live together every day but really when it comes right down to the crux of it, its a wonder Adam and Eve ever got it together.

I am the first to admit that Iam a "sensitive" and I do wear my heart and my emotions on my sleeve for all to see and to poke fun at. Evan and I really get on well together, we can talk and laugh and see the same funny things in something peculiar. However, why is it when he says a few words like "I dont care about your (whatever the subject may be)", they actually translate into something quite different by the time it has gone into my ears and processed by my brain....?"

"You are a stupid idiot and have no idea about what you are talking about"

"Yes, your bum is as wide as the front gate"

"What the hell have you done with your hair?"

"You really are letting yourself go"

and you fret and froth about it for the rest of the day. Have some obligatory tears and swear that you will never call him again during the day. By the time you can actually talk about what has transpired (and your have lost 20kgs through worry and anxiety), he has forgotten what was originally said and passed that moment about 12 years ago. The funny thing is that he will have absolutely no idea what the hell you are on about. Because it was nothing.

How different are men and women?

I have no idea where Iam getting all of this, or indeed where this is all coming from, especially when I had 12 interesting subjects to blog about. I mean how riveting would be, say... No.10?

But hang on, getting back to the subject at hand, can you imagine if men were the emotional/hormonal ones?

"Im sorry Officer I had to punch his lights out cause he told me I had a big bum?"

"I just had to put a hole in the wall because you said something that made me cry ;-( "

"Shriek, horror!!! There is a pimple on my chin? Where is the turps?"

Maybe its better that women are the hormonal and emotional ones after all is said and done.

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