Saturday, April 17, 2010

I dont know about you, but I usually read when I go to bed and I think to myself that now Im comfortable I will be able to read and enjoy a few chapters before wanting to nodd off.....usually it turns out that I read a few paragraphs (or some night sentences!) and then the eyes start losing the gist of the words.... they shut a little bit longer when they blink ... and last but not least I fall into a coma sitting up and the book drops from my hands onto Pikey's head on the floor next to me ... causing the dogs to unsettle etc etc. Im sure its a funny sight and Im certain would make the finals of Funniest Home Video if Evan ever found out and captured it on video LOL

Last night I thought I would treat myself to an earlier night than usual so that I could indulge and hopefully get past a few paragraphs before lapsing into a coma. Ah Wrong! Once again I was all comfy nestled in my pillows, somewhere between sitting up and lying down and way too comfortable to keep awake! One of the best things about last night was that I could sleep in this morning and enjoy my cuppa brought to me on waking.

Once awake this morning and sipping the best cup of the day, I noticed that my bookmark was on the bed, the book was underneath Pikey on the floor and my lamp was still on.

Still I wont speak about when you're sitting up reading and you fall asleep and you end up throwing your head back and hitting it on the bedhead!

What can I say? lol

Today saw the start of educating Northie, the last of the foals to be weaned and the most difficult one we had suspected. After a bit of a scary start - Northie had no idea what Evan wanted from him - he settled down and started to understand the principles of leading and yielding. He's got plenty of time for the penny to drop and his mate Buck Rogers will be with him.

Evan will continue on with his education for the next week with mum Southern standing by and we will wean him next weekend.

We spent a very busy morning this morning with friends of our, Rougan and Ro Gerraghty and Craig Belford who came over to do some much needed maintenance welding around the house stables. Thanks guys for all your help today it was brilliant!

Before we knew it it was 1pm - the morning had just flown by.

I have been spending a lot of my free time at home with my camera taking photographs. Its funny when you realise that you have a passion about something - something that you really enjoy and you never really take any notice of it until its brought to your attention.

I have become a member of the Australian Photography Forum and have summoned up enough courage to post some of my pictures for comment. So far all the comments have been encouraging and most of the photos that I post on the blog have made it to the forum.

It has certainly made me see more possibilities for photos, rather than just the obvious. I guess it helps when you live on the Downs and the sunsets and sunrises are spectacular every single day.

I have entered my first contest at with Pikey featured as one of the entries. Which is a bit of a thrill.

Next is to save up for a new camera. lol


Some good news about Maxine. Maxine has gone to a new home in Clifton where she will be retrained to play polo.

Oh well, time for me to start thinking about going to bed and reading... :)