Friday, November 25, 2011

The Life and Times of Massie Lodge

Friday, its taken all week to get here. Im sitting here on the lounge with my laptop on my lap … Ruby (pictured above in her 2011 Christmas photo) is next to me on the right… Matilda on the left. Pikey is on the other lounge nestled in between 2 pillows and snoring… and Bess is just on the other side of the lounge on her bed… making funny wee squeaking noises. Evan is at his computer updating Gallopers… which is really a fulltime job.

I have spent the better part of a couple of hours updating The Black Cockatoo (which has become enormously popular as a News Blog) – it’s inbox generally has about 20-30 emails and news alerts waiting for me every morning – I guess that just shows just how much news is around about Coal Seam Gas mining.

I do have an update to do on Damien’s blog – A Jockey’s Journey – but I will wait to do that. Instead I indulge myself and take a walk amongst the thousands and thousands of blogs which are on the Blogger network. Wow, some of the blogs are outstanding and make mine look, rather plain (lol).

My very good friend was involved in a car accident the other day – they were turning right into their property and there were one or two cars behind them: one of the cars behind them with some young men in it decided to overtake and ended up clipping the front car which had my friend in it. To cut a long story short - they were allegedly speeding – and ended up totalling their car into an electricity pole with the result of a multiple cost of human life.

How fickle is the thread of human life? One minute your alive and busy living it – and then the next minute, through a bad decision or an indecision - you’re not?

Definitely a life changing event. I know that my friend is closely looking at the aspects that make up her life and re-evaluating the parts that make up her every day.

I know it made me stop and think about my life and if anything made me be cranky at myself for my ongoing procrastination on doing the things - and being with the people - that really matter. To help me along I have made a list of the things that I want to do – and it doesn’t matter if Im no good at it. (lol).

LOL – Sorry guys Im not brave enough yet to show the list to anyone, however, Im sure that at some stage I will.

Its been awhile since I have updated the Equine Residents at Massie Lodge:

One of the little yearling colts, Rocky has come up lame today and we’re now waiting for the Eric to come and look at him. Boys will be boys and young colts do play hard. Herman continues to be cute however both boys are now trying it on a little bit but that’s normal for colts.  They still come up to me when I go into their paddock and want some affection... but if you keep your hand there just a little too long...there could be a nip!
My beautiful mare, Epiphany (Pip) continues to love her life down the big back paddock with Mazwell. Every day she goes for a swim in the dam and rolls in the mud – it’s one of the special things that I love to watch. She keeps telling me that she wants to get back into twittering (Diary of a Broodmare) as she has a lot to say. Scary! Her two kids, Harry and Pix live next door and they are both looking a treat. I keep telling Harry not to get too attached to paddock life as he still has a racing career ahead of him… Full sister Pix seems to have gotten over her broken neck and is looking fantastic. She just adores Harry… Funny I see Pip hang over their fence and talk to them and all body language indicates that it's with love ..

The two grey boys, Buck Rogers and Northie are a funny pair. Buck Rogers is a big gentle grey giant and Northie – black – and as cheeky as – continues to try and be “the naughty one” except when it comes to getting a scratch behind the ear.. this is the one thing that he loves and will actually stand quiet while you do it. Buck Rogers’ wound continues to heal nicely with the aid of Flint’s Oil.

The 3 ladies down the back, Southern, Nottie and Daisy have the run of 3 big paddocks with 2 dams that provide swimming pleasure for all 3 of them. Both grey ladies have water marks up their bellies...

Jimmy (aka Private James) continues to spell up North and the question mark still remains if he will ever race again.

Iam looking forward to this weekend – my big brother Neil is up for the weekend and it will be great to share some time, eat some good food and drink some good wine with him. We’re both die-hard movie addicts so Im sure we will be watching some dvds or going to the movies over the weekend. I know that Evan will be busy as Damien is riding on Saturday at Morphettville and at Clare on Sunday – so he will be glued to Sky.  There is the thought of Roast Lamb tonight ... baked dinner.. always a favourite in the Robinson household!

So all is well at Massie Lodge. Ruby has flipped over and is now on her back with her feet up in the air demanding a stomach rub.. and who am I to deny her??

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