Sunday, March 28, 2010

Weaning Pix

If you ever ask me what I really thought of yesterday I will tell you that it was probably one of the worst days we have ever had here.

Weaning Pix was on the agenda and while everything started out well....the day took a nose dive pretty quickly and both Evan and I were over the point of exhaustion by the time we walked back into the house that afternoon after feeding.

The wean Pix meant we had to move horses around. When you start moving horses who have been settled in the one paddock for a while, they too start to get agitated and those watching the moves taking place join in the fun as well!

Pix and Pip both started out pretty relaxed about being separated, however, given an hour or so when Pix realised that she couldnt see mum or Aunty Goss any more, chaos reigned supreme.

We have tried a different method of weaning this time and I have to say that everything has gone smoothly - thanks to Aunty Angel and Molly.

Pip was very half hearted about losing Pix, however when Pix started calling out in earnest, both Pip and Gossip were answering her loud and clear! (Also to do with the fact that it was a windless day as well).

This went on for most of the night until about 3am. Evan got up to find out what the quiet was all about (???) and Pix, Angel and Molly were all up the front picking to their hearts content. Pip and Goss - who are in a paddock full of pick - went back to the business of becoming fat.

I did some work with Pix today and I have to say that while she is a big filly, she is still just a baby in her head.

So far so good we have had a nice and quiet Sunday with only a little bit of calling out from both Pip and Goss. See, not only did we have to wean Pip and Pix, we had to wean Gossy from Pix as well!!!

Lets hope for a quiet night tonight.